Maldives girl, 15, sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication’

The UK’s Guardian reports on how the religion of “peace” is once again demonstrating their progressive social thinking … A 15-year-old girl sentenced to 100 lashes for “fornication” on a remote part of the Maldives is at the centre of a new row between moderates and religious conservatives in the Indian Ocean luxury tourist destination. … Read more

Mother Teresa: Anything but a saint…

New research dispels the myth of altruism and generosity surrounding Mother Teresa There is a prevailing myth of altruism and generosity that surrounds Mother Teresa. However, a new a paper by Serge Larivée and Genevieve Chenard of University of Montreal’s Department of Psychoeducation and Carole Sénéchal of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education, concludes that … Read more

Mormonism: It is weirder than you think.

We know that many belief systems make truly weird assertions, but some truly do push the boat far out into uncharted territory. One classic example are the Mormons. You might indeed have the impression that you have a gasp on what they believe, but do you? For example, the following is quite well known: No … Read more

Turkish Astrophysicist Faces Prison for Objecting to Headscarves

Science reports on a truly outrageous example of religious intolerance running rampant in Turkey … intolerance, humm, can you possibly guess which belief system might be involved? It concerns senior astrophysics professor, Rennan Pekünlü, (pictured), who teaches at Ege University in Izmir. His  vile crime is that he refused to allow women from entering his classroom wearing headscarves (shudders … oh the horror). One of these … Read more