Dragons and Unicorns are real … your do ‘believe’ that don’t you?

Just how daft can beliefs get, can they become, not just outrageously bizarre, but complete decoupled from reality, and yet still assert a claim of “truth”? Yes, they can and often do. I must confess to an excessive degree of bemusement derived from a scan of Ken Ham’s folly, perhaps better known to some as … Read more

“there is a problem ‘within Islam'” … says Tony Blair

These days it is politically correct in some quarters to not criticise beliefs, perhaps because doing so it too close to racist xenophobia. It is of course true that extreme right wing groups such as the EDL (English Defence League in the UK) tap into the fear instilled within the minds of many by events such as … Read more

Top 5 sources of good reliable health information

If you just want the list, its at the end, so feel free to skip directly there. In today’s UK Guardian, David Colquhoun, a pharmacologist at UCL who also blogs about pseudoscience and quackery at dcscience.net, has a fabulous article that discusses all the heath-related scams we are exposed to each and every day. If time permits, I do highly … Read more