Jesus and Mo

Jesus and Mo have a few things to say regarding the lunacy in Saudi Arabia  … I love satire, it is often the most powerful and effective way to communicate criticism. If you have never encountered Jesus & Mo before the I guess you have a few questions … there is an About that explains … … Read more

The Vitamin Myth

[Hat tip to Carlos Pruitt for pointing me at the Guardian article] A rather pervasive myth within our modern culture is the belief that popping Vitamin supplements gives you a distinct health advantage, but this is not true and is instead a modern myth. I’m no exception and in my time I’ve been rather guilty of reaching for … Read more

Does secularism really matter? Yes, and Turkey today is an example of what can happen if you do not agree.

Lets start be understanding what the term secularism does and does not mean. It does not mean that all religious beliefs should be banned, because unlike many forms of belief that will not tolerate non-belief or other beliefs, secularism is just about the separation of church and state. Why does this matter? Well because the … Read more

Teenager murdered by Islamists for blasphemy’ in Syria

This one leaves me with almost no words. Mohammad Qataa was a 15 year old teen who worked as a street vendor selling coffee in the working-class Shaar neighbourhood. Witnesses report that he was seen arguing with someone and was overheard saying: “Even if the Prophet Mohammad comes down (from heaven), I will not become a believer.“. … Read more

Prayer – How can it possibly work, the concept is incompatible with a God Hypothesis

When faced with circumstances or events that are completely beyond our control, war, disaster, accident, or health challenges, involving either ourselves or others, then a quite common human instinct is to attempt to gain control of the completely uncontrollable by attempting to seek assistance from a supernatural entity – we call that “prayer”. The concept … Read more

The Godless Spellchecker – @GSpellchecker it is not Athiest, it is #AthEIst

Should you find yourself in need of a bit of amusement in a dull moment while waiting for a train, plane or bus, then I can highly recommend the twitter feed of the Godless Spellchecker. Why? well because this bastion of non Divine Spelling Intervention is simply hilarious, and as testament to that fact, he has over … Read more