Zimmerman … “It Was God’s Plan For Me To Kill Trayvon Martin”

George Zimmerman thinks that God planned for him to shoot and kill Trayvon Martin … … and apparently the jury agreed because he walked free from a Florida courtroom late on Saturday after a jury acquitted the neighbourhood watch leader of murdering an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, in a case that played into the national debates about … Read more

What type of Atheist are you? … there are apparently different categories

People have different degrees of confidence regarding different things, and non-belief is no exception to that observation. For example, some make the observation that due to the complete lack of evidence, god claims can be dismissed. Others would take that a step further and make a “no-God” assertion for various reasons. However, it is not … Read more

Giles Fraser equates the C of E Synod to hell … and by the sound of it, with good reason.

I must admit that Giles Fraser has a rather good gift for calling things out as they are. He describes his time at the general Synod as follows … Dante’s vision of hell was colourful, of course. But for the real deal, look no further than the General Synod of the Church of England. I sat … Read more

Andrew Brown vs philosopher and atheist Daniel Dennett – Do New Atheists have new ideas?

Here is a quick five minute clip in which Andrew Brown challenges philosopher and atheist Daniel Dennett to convince him that the New Atheists have new ideas. Clearly since the rise of New Atheism during the past decade, things have changed, there is a rising tide of non-belief – and so it is interesting to hear … Read more