Weird beliefs: The Storm – Trumps war with the deep state

The Storm

Remember that bizarre Roseanne Barr tweet that popped up not too long ago. It has been deleted because of all the flack it generated, so as a brief reminder, here is what she claimed … President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world. Hundreds each month. He has … Read more

Is there a good reason to think that there is a God?


There are humans who doubt and do not believe, and there are humans that do sincerely believe. Today I’d like to briefly mull over some of the common arguments presented by those that embrace the concept of a God. Disclaimer: I’m not a believer. Well something much have started it all The argument tends to … Read more

Homeopathy cancer paper withdrawn, lead authors arrested


Homeopathy is having a very bad week. Given the observation that there is no credible evidence that verifies that it actually works, then this is not a surprise. This week there have been two Homeopathy items that have popped up in the news cycle. Let’s briefly cover each in turn. The UK’s National Health Service is … Read more

Mike Adams and YouTube – Freedom of Expression?

Mike Adams has had his Natural News channel obliterated from YouTube. (Insert cheering crowd here). First, let’s clear something up. In a recent rant about this quite official YouTube ban a few days ago he made a claim about this being a violation of Free Speech (I’m not linking to it, you can google it … Read more

Cancer patients using alternative medicine face greatly increased risk of death

alternative medicine

A study was published last year that highlights and underlines the impact of alternative medicine for cancer patients. It is worth reviewing it in order to appreciate that opting for alternative medicine instead of the conventional is a very bad idea. What the study reveals is that if you decide to use alternative medicine as a replacement … Read more