Is a Naturopath a medically trained doctor?


In many department stores you will find young ladies within the cosmetics section wearing white lab coats. It is designed to craft the illusion of authority and so instil your confidence in what they are selling. They don’t claim to be either a scientist or a doctor and so the illusion is all in the … Read more

The Promotion of BS by UK Charities


The basic concept of a charitable organisation is of course well understood. On a legal level, an officially established body is focused on an activity that is designed to promote social well-being and hence does not exist to make a profit. Their finances are open and public, and often they also have income that comes … Read more

Yefim Shubentsov – The Mad Russian healer

Yefim Shubentsov

Yefim Shubentsov, also known as “The Mad Russian” claims that he can erase your addictions. He specifically attempts to cure smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, and overeaters. Based in Boston and operating since about 1979, he claims to have “cured” 167,000 people. Many say he is a miracle worker and that he successfully cured them. Often … Read more

Do EnChroma glasses for colour blind people work?


Color blindness means that the light-sensitive cells in the retina are not responding appropriately to variations in wavelengths of light that enable people to see an array of colors. The picture above gives you an idea of what that might be like. It can manifest to varying degrees and so it can be modest or … Read more