Dan Shechtman … Nobel prize-winning scientist profiled in Guardian

Dan Shechtman, the Nobel prize-winning scientist, has been profiled in Guardian, it is worth a read. In fact it is always worth digging into any such profile for any of the science prize winners, they are always quite interesting, and this is no exception. If you are a regular reader of this blog you will … Read more

Astronomy news: There are Billions and Billions of planets in our Galaxy

How many planets exist in our galaxy? We have no precise answer, but we now have a far better idea and can now say “Billions” or even “Billions and Billions”. On what basis can we conclude this?  Well here is some info you can dip into, JPL reports yesterday Billions and Billions of Planets … There they … Read more

2012 List of Goofy pseudo-science claims from celebrities

At this time every year the charity Sense About Science (SAS) lists the truly daft things that various celebrities have endorsed and embraced during the past year. Amazingly 2012 was different, they were all a very sensible lot and there is nothing to report …. er, sadly no, instead it was exactly what you might expect. So … Read more

Peter Higgs and Richard Dawkins hold different views of the public criticism of daft beliefs

The UK’s Guardian has an article that warrants some additional comment. The primary headline grabbing thrust is that the Higgs boson theorist says he agrees with those who find Dawkins’ approach to dealing with believers ’embarrassing’. “What Dawkins does too often is to concentrate his attack on fundamentalists. But there are many believers who are just … Read more

Why does having children make you live longer?

If you have kids, you will in fact live longer, this has been observed to be true, but why? A new study gives us some interesting insights. There is a study reported within “Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health” entitled “Childlessness, parental mortality and psychiatric illness: a natural experiment based on in vitro fertility treatment … Read more