Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

Filter out the con men such as Jim Bakker and you are still left with the vast majority of weirdness. This is because the con men are leveraging the existence of such ideas, they are not the root cause. When faced with absurd religiously inspired claims, then there are two things that you can be … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

Since I create this top 3 list each and every week you might perhaps wonder if I ever struggle to actually find three bits of religious weirdness for the past week. In short … er no, just no, I’m simply spoiled for choice. As an example, apart from the three I’ve opted for this week, … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird News Items

Some believe things that will quite naturally lead them to accept absurd conclusions. For others, literalist interpretations is a road that takes them into the embrace of some truly obnoxious ideas. Entrenched between both of those we also have conmen who utilise religion to enrich themselves. For my weekly pick of the top three weirdest bits of religious … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

As a response to the previous listing from last week a friend who is a Christian pointed out in a comment … “you are right to be sceptical, but not all us are taken in by this stuff.”. I believe that is indeed correct. While most humans are probably religious they are also not complete lunatics that have … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

When it comes to my weekly selection of weird religious news, Jim Bakker appears to pop up on such a regular basis that I do wonder if having a week without him qualifying would be weird. So is this week an example of that? Er … no, he is back. Item 1 – Jim Bakker: Donald Trump’s … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

When some deeply religious people complain that they don’t like being laughed at, it is often pointed out that the rather obvious solution is that they should stop broadcasting some utterly daft ideas and claims in public. Was this advice adhered to during the past week? Nope, and so here is my pick from the week. Item … Read more