Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News Items


I started out doing “Top 3 Religious News Items” and that then evolved into “Weird Religious News”. What does become clear over time is that this is not just about belief. The majority of humans inherit a cultural tradition, and most will generally participate and adhere to the bits they enjoy with varying degrees of … Read more

Weird Religious News – The redundancy of Satire


Once upon a time being a satirist was a cushy job. There were plenty of easy targets. Sadly such days are gone. With the marriage of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism, we now live in a truly weird age where it is more or less impossible to work out what is satire and what is … Read more

Weird Religious News – Trump & Friends at CPAC


It’s that time of year again when we have what must be more or less a wet-dream for that blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. This past week saw CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) take place. No longer is this event a traditional Conservative event, this is a new shiny CPAC reformed in the … Read more

Weird Religious News – The Torrent of Intolerance

Traditionally, religious belief is perceived to be a place of comfort and also source of all that is good. Mix a literal fundamentalist variation of belief with right-wing politics and you get a very weird cocktail that will render those that consume it utterly incoherent, obnoxious, intolerant. To criticise and mock this torrent of delusion, … Read more

Weird Religious News – GOP Jesus “Blessed are the Rich and F**k the poor”

weird religious news - cartoon by Rob Rogers

That “blessed” blend of right-wing politics and religious belief has given us a truly weird form of entertainment. Each and every week it delivers up a constant stream consisting of the utterly bizarre rantings and ravings of these lunatics. In their eyes, those that advocate compassion for the less fortunate, affordable health care for all, … Read more