Evangelical support for Trump

Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, has written a piece within the Washington Post in which he renounces the term “evangelical”, not because he has stopped believing, but rather because the term now describes individuals who appears to support and champion people that are very publicly and vocally opposed to the values … Read more

Weird Weekly Claim: “Atheists use less brain function”

So for this week’s weird claim we have a Christian Web site called AmericanVision that cites a study to prove that not believing in a god requires less brain power, and yes, it is not a satire site, he is being very serious. It is actually a posting published back in Oct 2015 and so … Read more

Islamists: Turning the hero into a villain and a brutal thug into a hero

On 4th January in 2011 Salmaan Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the province of Punjab, was gunned down and brutally murdered by Malik Mumtaz Qadri who was one of his own bodyguards. I blogged about it at the time and highlighted that Five hundred Pakistani religious scholars said that anyone who expressed grief over the assassination of Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab province, could suffer … Read more

Why the way you think will potentially determine your belief

An article by Will M. Gervais and Ara Norenzayan that was published in Science back in 2012 suggested that Analytic Thinking Promotes Religious Disbelief, and if curious to see the precise details of that paper then you will find the full PDF for it here. So let’s dig into this a bit and see what it is all … Read more

Saudi Arabia determined to hold “Top Human Rights Abuser” position

The House of Saudi has faced some recent stiff competition, but is quite determined to maintain its position as the top Human Rights abuser on the planet, and so it has picked on a random Saudi twitter user who dared to express doubt about Allah and sentenced him to 10 years in jail, and also … Read more