How do they work out when Easter is?

The specific dates for Easter have always been a bit of a mystery to most, and I don’t just mean the non-religious, but rather everybody including the most devoutly religious. Ask and at best you will be advised that it has something to do with the moon, but beyond that … no details. So how is … Read more

Christian Chocolatiers upset by non-christian chocolate bunnies

It sounds bizarre, but it is indeed all quite true. The mainstream manufactures of chocolate easter eggs and bunnies stand accused of rebranding them to avoid offending non-Christians – specifically the complaint is that the word “Easter” or “Jesus” is not emblazoned on each box. This bizarre accusation comes from David Marshall of the Meaningful Chocolate Company, and the … Read more

Is the Easter Myth really a “fact” ?

Easter is fast approaching and so the apologists are once again ramping up their rather familiar arguments. A rather popular example of this is perhaps Lee Strobel who is promoted as the Atheist Journalist who turned to Jesus and converted after examining all the evidence for the resurrection. Wow, “evidence”, now that sounds interesting. Ah but is this … Read more

How should you cope with religious discrimination at work?

Let’s look at this from both sides. First we will consider the potential for religious people to be discriminated against, and will then move to to consider religious employers discriminating against non-religious employees. If an employer discriminates against a religious person on the sole basis of their specific beliefs, there there are consequences because there … Read more