The Christchurch Gay Quake Hoax

A website has appeared that has sent portions of the media (and for that matter the blog-sphere) into a feeding frenzy. It claims that Christchurch’s devastating earthquake was an act of God triggered by the tolerance of homosexual behaviour in the city. Sound familiar? perhaps so, because it has a sort of “westboro baptist church” … Read more

A monument to pure stupidity

There exists a Creation Museum out in Kentucky run by “Answers in Genesis”. They believe in the literal text of Genesis, young earth, evolution is a myth … etc… the usual Creationist kooky stuff … or so I thought. I’ve always considered them to be nuts, but until now I simply did not appreciate how … Read more

Christian Couple sent to Jail … because of their faith

There is news that a Christian couple have been given a ten year jail sentence. Yikes, sent to jail for being a Christian, sounds horrendous … what backward nation of barbarians have inflicted this dire punishment, who was it that persecuted these poor souls … Iran, Iraq? … Nope, it was the state of Pennsylvania … Read more