Project Steve

Lists of Scientists who believe in Creationism With a lack of any real evidence, one rather common creationist approach is an attempt to appeal to authority. The definitive example of this is the often quoted list of scientists who doubt evolution. The creationist Discovery Institute have compiled and published a list of over 800 scientists … Read more

Daft Claim of the Week: “Atheists are Religious and Bigots” ???

A chap who writes on News24 under the name “Charles Dumbwin” is having one of his many fits of verbal religious zealotry once again. It is all truly weird stuff that strikes me as an attempt to simply provoke a reaction. Whenever I stumble into one of his weird scribblings I find myself pondering the … Read more

Sunset of the Moon

Many years ago when working in Dublin, I was out for a walk one lunchtime on one of those very rare days when that big rather unfamiliar yellow disk in the sky had strangely decided to not shroud itself in a layer of clouds. While meandering along and not paying too much attention, I was stopped by a chap who … Read more

The Creationist Multi-verse

One quite interesting aspect of creationism is that there is a very wide diversity of quite different variations of belief, and because it is evolving all the time, it is almost impossible to keep up. Yes, that is a rather ironic observation – the evolution of Creationism. Anyway, to give you an idea of how … Read more

Weirdest Claim ever: “Militant Atheist Terrorists blow up building containing Creationism books”

A chap called Kamrul Hassan, a Religious fanatic,  arrives in a Facebook group and posts a Video clip as follows: The text claims: The local authorities have caught a group of Darwinist Atheist terrorist who were responisble for blowing up this building in USA. As per police reports the building was being used as a warehouse … Read more