Bill O’Reilly To Atheist David Silverman: ‘You Are A Fascist!’

First, before we get into the details, who are the players in this little piece of  Shakespearian drama? Bill O’Reilly is the host of the political commentary program The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, which is (so they claim) the most watched cable news television program on American television … and least you wonder, yes Fox News do tend to embrace a … Read more

“Dear Atheists, Come Back to God” – The Stupid is strong in this one.

Opposing Views is a US website where “experts” debate topics. In this case there is a reason for the scare quotes, the “expert” in question turns out to be “Answers in Genesis”, a bunch of creationist kooks who hold views that are so weird, that other creationists denounce them as “misguided” and assert that this group “deliberately … Read more

A new offering from the Republicans? … er no.

Republican candidate Marco Rubio has declared his intent to run for election as US president in 2016. Having learned that touting “stupid” or “religious nut” is not a vote winner from the last election, he will be different, something new and fresh, right? …. actually no, he is more of the same …. sigh! He did … Read more

Charles Darwin got 4,000 votes in the last US election

Seriously, he really did, it was not simply some chap with the same name, but the well-known author of “On the Origin of Species” and UK Naturalist, Charles Darwin, a non US citizen. Despite having died over 130 years ago he actually did get 4,000 votes in Athens-Clarke County in a congressional race last week, so apparently being dead is … Read more

And this year’s Stonewall’s ‘bigot’ award goes to ….Cardinal Keith O’Brien

Least you wonder “Who?”, Stonewall is a UK charity that campaigns for lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, and they have named the Scottish cardinal (pictured here) “bigot of the year” for his vigorous attacks on gay marriage. The Guardian reports … Stonewall said its 10,000 members had voted “decisively” to give the title to O’Brien, head of … Read more