Idiot of the week: Mr Pat Robertson – “Humanists and atheists are responsible for Nazism”

He is at it again, while some might open their mouth to put a foot in, Pat Robertson simple opens his mouth to change feet. His latest Gem comes from the Monday edition of his 700 Club where we find him making the rather absurd claim that humanists and atheists are responsible for Nazism, and … Read more

LSE Students Union enforces a new Human right – The right not to be offended

There appears to be a bit of a competition going on between the UK based Reading University students union (RUSU) and the London School of Economics students union. Last year we saw the RUSU get themselves worked up into a tizzy because student secular society had a Pineapple on their stall at the Fresher fayre labelled … Read more

Daft Comment of the week: Fox News host Dana Perino suggests Atheists should leave the US

Fox News host Dana Perino commented during a live segment on ‘Five on Fox,’ that she’s ‘tired of Atheists’ and suggests that if they (Atheists) don’t like the words “under God” being said in the Pledge of Allegiance then “they don’t have to live here. The context here is that Massachusetts’ highest court is hearing a … Read more

Loch Ness Monster … proof of Creationism? Not any longer apparently

Apparently the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) biology textbooks had once taught that the existence of the Loch Ness monster disproved Darwin’s theory of evolution. OK, you can stop laughing now … this was no joke, they have actually been teaching kids that the proof that evolution was wrong was a completely fictitious myth. Really? Sadly yes … … Read more

Judgement Day

I spotted a brief little letter in the York Daily that is so in denial of reality that it rather amused me … For some time now I have been reading people’s letters to the editor about religion and Christianity. There is only one way to solve their problems regarding their differences about the Bible. … Read more