Tax man says “No” to Noah’s Ark

As you might, or perhaps might not be aware, the young earth creationist group, Answers in Genesis (the folks who assert the earth is only 6,000 years old because the bible says so), have been building a life sized replica of Noah’s Ark. So how much would that cost? … apparently $73 million. They had originally … Read more

“Eppur si muove.” (And yet it moves.)

Galileo was famously arrested and then sentenced by the Inquisition for the crime of heresy – his crime? – he simply supported the fact based observation that the earth revolves around the sun, and so was overturning the idea that the earth was the centre of everything. He was also famously quoted as  saying to those who … Read more

Ken Ham – “Creationists are not science deniers”

Nobody ever thinks to themselves, “I believe in things that are simply not scientific or true”, but rather we all hold positions that we are sure are correct. If this is indeed the case, then why is there a prevailing confidence in some minds regarding ideas and thoughts that have been truly discredited? … now that actually is … Read more

Claim: Clever questions atheists can’t answer!

So I was shown a page entitled “Clever questions atheists can’t answer!” and asked to comment. It turns out to be a list that comes from a “Creation Science” site, so you can most probably guess what the spin here is going to be, and you can also be darn sure that we are dealing with individuals … Read more