Cult of Fools Weekly (Mar 10, 2024) – “GOP Nominee is a Sexual Abuser”
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
To the deep astonishment of many there has been a “discovery” that there are vast numbers of “people” who have been frozen to -320 degrees in Alabama. Well yes, this is of course about the IVF ruling lunacy. How could I possibly resist commenting on the observation that Republicans have now managed, if I may … Read more
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics