Death Threats issued for believing in Evolution

Just when you think that it can’t get even more extreme and bizarre … it does. As reported in the UK’s Independent today … A prominent British imam has been forced to retract his claims that Islam is compatible with Darwin’s theory of evolution after receiving death threats from fundamentalists. Seriously! … believing in reality … Read more

Salman Rushdie writing memoir of years in hiding

There is a Reuters news report that Salman Rushdie is working on a memoir about his hidden years The 63-year-old said of the memoir that there was an “information vacuum” to fill, and that he finally felt it was time to confront a difficult period in his life. “I’m beginning to write this memoir,” Rushdie … Read more

14-year-old girl lashed to death in Bangladesh

The BBC reports the utterly barbaric death of a 14 year old girl in Bangladesh. Can you possibly guess why? Yep, no surprise or shock, its what we expect. Just one single word sums it all up … “islam”. (Yes, I’ve not used upper-case, I refuse to do so) She was accused of having an … Read more

Influential governor in Pakistan who spoke against insane blasphemy law – assassinated

The BBC reports … (click here) … The influential governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province, Salman Taseer, has died after being shot by one of his bodyguards in the capital, Islamabad. Mr Taseer, a senior member of the Pakistan People’s Party, was shot when getting into his car at a market. Interior Minister Rehman Malik said … Read more

A Picture that paints a thousand words

I just spotted this on Pharyngula here … and I believe PZ found it here … I love it … in fact I love it so much that I just had to share it with you as well … there is no need for me to say anything, for it speaks for itself far more … Read more

Is the Qur’an the final and perfect testament?

I’ve received a long comment within a previous posting on this blog from a FB friend who has posted his reasons for believing that the Qur’an is the final and perfect testament. Since he also kindly followed up with a personal note asking if I would respond, I thought “OK, why not”. So now I … Read more