Turkish Astrophysicist Faces Prison for Objecting to Headscarves

Science reports on a truly outrageous example of religious intolerance running rampant in Turkey … intolerance, humm, can you possibly guess which belief system might be involved? It concerns senior astrophysics professor, Rennan Pekünlü, (pictured), who teaches at Ege University in Izmir. His  vile crime is that he refused to allow women from entering his classroom wearing headscarves (shudders … oh the horror). One of these … Read more

Islamic Leadership in Egypt … failure after failure

Thomas Friedman offers some very interesting insights into Egypt within the New York Times … The country is more divided than ever between Islamist and less religious and liberal parties, and the Egyptian currency has lost 8 percent of its value against the dollar in the last two months. Even more disturbing, there has been … Read more

Islamic Apologetics in action

I thought that today it might be fun to take a look at some Islamic Apologetics so that you can get a feel for the arguments that are presented. You might indeed be familiar with some of the well-worn Christian variety, but what about Islam, does it re-cycle the Christian arguments, or do they take a different tact? … Read more

The Murder of five year old Lama al-Ghamdi in Saudi Arabia

Pictured here is Lama al-Ghamdi, she is five years old and was brutally raped and then murdered by an Islamic cleric who also happened to be her father. It was a truly horrendous crime … Randa Al Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital, said in a phone interview that Lama’s back was broken as well and that … Read more

Another busy year for One Law for All

Many thanks to Maryam for her kind permission to publish her letter below … ——————————— Dear Friend, It has been another busy year for One Law for All <http://www.onelawforall.org.uk/> and we thank you as always for your support – without which, our vital work would not be possible. We are particularly grateful to our 100 Club … Read more