British man and Saudi wife attacked by religious police

Gulf News reports the horrendous story about how the religious police hounded a British Man and his Saudi Wife and then attacked them. The story is that the Brit, Peter Haworth, and his Saudi wife were out shopping in a supermarket, and after collecting the goods they wanted, proceeded to a checkout that was reserved for … Read more

“Asian” is the wrong word for what happened in #Rotherham

There has been rather a lot of news in the UK regarding the horrendous volume of abuse that has been discovered to have been taking place in Rotherham, by “Asian” men. What has also been exposed is that both the police and also the social services turned a blind eye to it all. Professor Alexis Jay, author of the … Read more

What motivates people to sign up for ISIS?

It is rather easy to condemn ISIS, as a collective gang of theocratic thugs who rampage across Syria and Iraq destroying anything and everybody who does not conform to their supposed “truth”, the result is a trail of blood, horror and brutality almost unmatched. I need not dwell too long upon this specific aspect, for they do … Read more

Saudi Arabia to arrest bloggers for the “crime” of atheism

The news from Saudi Arabia is as dire as ever, Gulf News reports … Manama: Saudi Arabia’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has asked the interior ministry to arrest several people for apostasy and atheism. The commission did not divulge the number of people whose arrest it requested, but it … Read more

Bangladesh blogger Asif Mohiuddin at #WHC2014

Last year Bangladesh blogger Asif Mohiuddin was brutally stabbed by the Islamists, and then arrested for the crime of being an atheist and sent to jail. (I blogged about it here and also here and here) Well, I have a fabalous update for you. Asif attended the World Humanist Congress last weekend in Oxford and has an amazing story to tell. That … Read more

Killing People for Apostasy is really not a good idea by any standard

Kashif N. Chaudhry, a member of the fringe Ahmadiyya sect, writes in the Huffington Post to defend the idea that the Quran does not specifically endorse the idea of putting people to death for Apostasy. He makes a reasonable argument for this stance, and the fact that this is a non-violent stance is of course … Read more

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