It’s Ramadan … but only if you live near the equator

Ramadan, is the month during which Muslims fast from sunrise until sunset, and so once it is dark, they can stuff themselves silly. Well OK, not quite everybody, there are some exceptions, for example for those travelling, those with a severe illness, are pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Every day, prior to dawn those taking part have a meal, then fast while the … Read more

How to Embarrass Saudi Arabia in one easy lesson

The Center For Inquiry representative Josephine Macintosh delivered a statement that was very critical of Saudi Arabia for its repeated assaults on freedom of religion, belief, and expression at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on June 23, 2014 … The representative from Saudi Arabia, who sits on the human rights council, tried to step … Read more

The problem is not the Fanatics but rather the Fundamentals of Islam

Andrew Bolt the Australian journalist, newspaper columnist, radio commentator, blogger and television host, has come up with a little list entitled “Just one week in the world of Islam” where he writes … What the hell is the problem with Islam? In the past week.. In Kenya: At least 34 people have been killed after … Read more

Islamophobia or fact-based Criticism?

A genuinely nice chap who is a member of the Ahmadiyya Islamic sect recently wrote an article entitled “‘Talibani Atheism’ & how it fuels Islamophobia”. For background context, the Ahmadiyya are a fringe Islamic sect that renounce all violence, which is of course praise worthy, and in fact they suffer a considerable degree of intolerance and discrimination … Read more

The Orgy of Jihad

Given that I do quite often focus upon Islam it is perhaps appropriate for me to turn my thoughts towards the ISIS Jihad in Iraq. First, the rather obvious details; Tarek Fatah writes about it in the Toronto Sun as follows … The brutality of this mayhem was best captured in a deeply disturbing video … Read more

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