UK’s NUS refuses to condemn ISIS because that would be Islamophobic

There has been a bit of a fuss recently because the UK’s NUS (National Union of Students) refused to condemn ISIS. So here it how it played out … NUS held a meeting in the NEC and at the meeting various motions are put forward One was a motion to condemn ISIS Their executive committee … Read more

Muslim Disagrees with Sam Harris and Bill Maher for pointing out the violence

Kashif Chaudhry, an Ahmadiyya Muslim and also a doctor, has blogged a posting within the express tribune in which he disagrees with Sam Harris and also Bill Maher – translation – religious guy disagrees with vocal criticism of religious beliefs, and so this should not be a surprise, but there is a bit more to it than that. … Read more

Fallacy of the week: “They” (ISIS) are not “True” Muslims

The “No true Scotsman” ploy is an informal fallacy that is commonly deployed in order to maintain a specific position. For example … Person A – Islam is a religion of peace Person B – But what about ISIS? Person A – Ah but they are not “true” Muslims. Who first pointed out that “no true scotsman” was … Read more

How can anybody raised on dogma and hate choose a different path?

Can anybody born into an environment that immerses them into dogma, irrational belief, and hatred ever break free? It can indeed be a truly challenging journey to make, but the answer is a resounding yes. To illustrate, here is a fabalous example – Zak Ebrahim was just seven years old when his father helped plan the … Read more

The promotion of fake pictures to establish an Islamic conspiracy claim

The above picture is doing the rounds. If in fact you google the image, you will discover that it is all over the place as “evidence” that ISIS are really being run secretly by the US army. As an example, here is a posting of the above on Facebook, that comes with the following text … … Read more

The phantom menace of militant atheism

Nick Cohen has written a fabulous article in the Guardian today. In it he attacks the very idea that there is some moral equivalence that holds sway, and that there is militant religion on one side and militant atheism on the other. He makes reference to some recent cases … the Christian right is rallying opposition to equality with the cry that … Read more

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