2012 Nobel Prize: Peace

The Nobel peace prize is one that sets my skeptical alarm bells ringing. The science based Nobel Prizes (Medicine, Physics and Chemistry) leave us all standing in awe of both the discoveries and the discoverers, all those laureates are truly applaud worthy, and year after year it remains a consistent pattern. The Literature prize may indeed leave many asking … Read more

Iran reports “The Onion” article as real news

This is a story is truly funny. The Onion, a satire of a real news organization, published a funny story that claimed “Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama“.  The joke is obvious, you get it of course, the Iranian president Abmadinejad is well-known as a cretinous lunatic who spouts complete bullshit during his various trips to the … Read more

Ahmadinejad’s 8 Years of Lies on Iran’s Human Rights

Answering Ahmadinejad’s Lies Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in New York, along with 140 people. At a time when many Iranians are struggling with economic hardship because of sanctions, this party of Iranian Royalty will be staying at the £1,000 a night Warwick hotel, now there is a real kick in the teeth for the people … Read more

NFL Player explains Gay Marriage To a clueless Politician

Some folks really know how to write a great letter, and one such example concerns a response to an open letter by US Maryland politician and minister Emmett C. Burns Jr. This clueless troglodyte who somehow got voted into office, wrote a letter demanding that the Baltimore Ravens prevent their linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo (pictured left) … Read more