Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party queen, has quit … yea.

Michele Bachmann has announced that she will not run for re-election in 2014 (phew), perhaps because she has enough sense to grasp that her chances of getting re-elected are more or less zero, or perhaps it just might be due to a widening investigation into her campaign spending. She claims … “I fully anticipate the mainstream liberal … Read more

Catholic cardinal declares a boycott: I’d personally be embarrassed if he turned up

The Irish premier, Enda Kenny, who leads the Fine Gael-Labour coalition in Ireland that currently holds the seat of power in Ireland, is off on a visit to Boston College to address graduates at the 137th annual Boston College Commencement Exercises on 20 May. In response to this official engagement an American Catholic cardinal, Sean O’Malley, has said he … Read more

UKIP, a Pro-gay forwarding thinking political party? …. er … no not really.

John Sullivan, a UKIP party candidate, up for election this coming thursday, has made a series of anti-gay Facebook comments, including congratulating Russia for banning gay Pride, and comparing gays to termites. This of course is the same guy who also asserts that feminism is evil. Well, he has now suggested that Victorian style regular physical exercise … Read more