The Brain Drain in Spain: Open letter to the Spanish prime minister reveals a rather dire climate for researchers

Over at Pharyngula, PZ writes about the brain drain and how bad things are in the US … The brain drain is beginning. Nearly 20% of American scientists would like to get out of this country. New data compiled by a coalition of top scientific and medical research groups show that a large majority of scientists … Read more

Mugabe Threatens To Behead Gay Citizens … but also faces open criticism from Baba Jukwa

Robert Mugabe, the self-appointed president of Zimbabwe has threatened to behead Citizens for the “crime” of being gay. The HuffPo reports … Speaking on Tuesday at a rally at the Aerodrome Grounds in Mutare, Mugabe described LGBT people as “worse than pigs, goats and birds” and threatened to behead them, according to NewsDay. “If you take men … Read more

#royalbaby overload

Why oh why have vast swathes of the UK population gone quite frankly nuts? As an acknowledgement of this new reality, the BBC is offering wall-to-wall coverage of what is essentially no news at all. OK, this is hard to type, so lets get it out … I confess, I’m a republican … (shudders, did … Read more

Zimmerman … “It Was God’s Plan For Me To Kill Trayvon Martin”

George Zimmerman thinks that God planned for him to shoot and kill Trayvon Martin … … and apparently the jury agreed because he walked free from a Florida courtroom late on Saturday after a jury acquitted the neighbourhood watch leader of murdering an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, in a case that played into the national debates about … Read more

The EU is Promoting and Protecting the right to believe … and that is OK

The European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council has been giving the idea of “freedom to believe” some thought, so what have the come up with? They have issued  18 pages of EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief. It basically endorses the concept of freedom of thought and points out that this includes all … Read more