Megyn Kelly’s Alex Jones interview

Megyn Kelly, in the role of an NBC anchor, has recorded an interview with Alex Jones. Where this attracts attention is that there has been a complete shitstorm even though it has not yet been broadcast. Both names are perhaps familiar. Megyn Kelly quit Fox News and joined NBC last January. Her latest thing is to … Read more

Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose Trump scrapping Paris agreement

Let’s start with a quick reality check, this is about the results of one poll, so please do digest with a pinch of salt even if you do like what it says. So the Washington Post reports the details of a poll they ran. Just to be wholly transparent here, this is not one of those self-reporting polls … Read more

What should an Atheist do at a religious funeral?

I’ve come across a rather nice answer to a letter written within The Star, a paper that is part of the Canadian Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. The question submitted was as follows … How is one to conduct themselves at a funeral when one doesn’t practice the religion? I am a 55-year-old atheist. I know many … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird News Items

Some believe things that will quite naturally lead them to accept absurd conclusions. For others, literalist interpretations is a road that takes them into the embrace of some truly obnoxious ideas. Entrenched between both of those we also have conmen who utilise religion to enrich themselves. For my weekly pick of the top three weirdest bits of religious … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

As a response to the previous listing from last week a friend who is a Christian pointed out in a comment … “you are right to be sceptical, but not all us are taken in by this stuff.”. I believe that is indeed correct. While most humans are probably religious they are also not complete lunatics that have … Read more