Its “Rapture” day tomorrow .. but what about the pets?

As I’m sure you all know, tomorrow (21st May) is “rapture” day. For believers it is yet another of the almost monthly predictions regarding the end-of-the-world, and just like all the previous predictions, this one will also be a dud, so for the non-believers, it simply marks the day prior to our post-rapture mocking.

In fact, the only reason we all know about this specific prediction is because the senile nutcase that made the claim has successfully managed to con many into paying over $3 million for advertising. It is truly heart breaking; this complete gobshite has convinced folks such as retired subway worker Robert Fitzpatrick into blowing his entire $140,000 life savings on an ad campaign in New York city.
I have no idea how that poor bloke will manage to pick up the pieces when reality comes knocking as the sun rises on 22nd May.

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If homeopathy is real …

Somebody quoted this to me today … I love it … “If homeopathy is real, then dumping Osama bin Laden’s corpse in the ocean has just cured the world of terrorism.” Just curious, but does anybody know where this quote originally came from?

UFO Alien abduction – proof?

There is a report of Alien abduction from about a month ago that I have just come across.

It concerns a chap who wandered into his garden in the middle of the night, and found that he had lost an hour. Apparently he really had lost an hour and had solid proof, his watch was one hour out of sync with the rest of the world, in fact he was quite astonished to discover that he had  leap forward into the future. So he contacted the Ministry of Defence to report a UFO abduction.

The details read as follows:

It was an ”unseasonably mild” night in late October when the man from Barnes, south-west London, could not sleep so took to his garden with the drink. ”After a few moments I heard a distant roar of engines getting louder and louder,” he told the Ministry of Defence.

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Now that the concept of super injunctions is falling apart in the UK, I can  reveal that I am not having an affair with Jeremy Clarkson. Also, it has now been disclosed that Clark Kent is Superman.

(OK, tongue placed firmly in cheek, but stick with me here, I have a skeptical point coming up later on)

Folks not in the UK might be wondering what this is about, so as a quick aside I better explain. In the UK if the press catch you doing something you should not have been doing (think shenanigans one night with a supermodel), you can take out a legal injunction to prevent publication. However, what can then happen is that the press can be a bit sneaky and report that there is an injunction in place that prevents them reporting something and so they name names without actually saying what happened. To prevent this, there is the concept of what is now known as a super-injunction to prevent them reporting on the very existence of  the injunction. To do that costs about £50K.

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Relativity a myth? – Conservapedia claims it is.

I’m sure that I need not tell you about “Conservapedia”, the degree of craziness is well-known, but just in case you don’t (yet) know, its the home website for all the right-wing theist kooks. Everything you might expect is there, for example …

  • Anti gay bashing
  • Obama bashing
  • Misleading anti-abortion rhetoric
  • Creationist stance and opposed to evolution
  • Claims that dinosaurs and humans co-existed
  • Claims that Fox News is fair and balanced
  • Etc …

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Proof that Zombies really do exist

Did you know that there is proof that zombies really exist, and that there are millions of people all around the planet who truly believe that the evidence is irrefutable? Indeed yes, its all documented in the bible. In Mathew’s fictitious account of a Jewish Messiah, it reads as follows … And, behold, the veil … Read more