Did an Ex-NASA scientist reveal that aliens are real?


Various headlines have popped up making a claim that a NASA scientist has come clean and revealed a supposedly hidden truth – aliens are real. For example … International Business Times (June 30th): Shocking! Ex-NASA scientist reveals aliens are real but government covers up all UFO encounters He claimed that humans are not alone in this … Read more

Can we escape from the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Stanford Prison Experiment

In 1971 there was an attempt to explore the psychological effects of perceived power that is known as the Stanford Prison Experiment. It is perhaps one of the most well-know psychological experiments of all time and has entered popular culture as such, and yet what is perhaps not so well appreciated is that it was … Read more

Notes from a Flat Earth conference

flat earth

Yes, you read that correctly, somebody actually ran a conference in the UK dedicated to the idea of a flat earth. For them I guess Terry Pratchett’s discworld is an encyclopaedia of facts. Michael Marchall, the project director of the Good Thinking Society, decided to take a hit for the team. He signed up and then went … Read more

Why do people believe in Conspiracy theories?


Whenever something dramatic happens, for example 9/11 or a school shooting, you are more or less guaranteed to find somebody popping up to explain that it is all part of some plot, and that behind this event there are puppet masters pulling the strings manipulating events. It’s supposedly a conspiracy of epic proportions. The Puppet … Read more

Is there a good reason to think that there is a God?


There are humans who doubt and do not believe, and there are humans that do sincerely believe. Today I’d like to briefly mull over some of the common arguments presented by those that embrace the concept of a God. Disclaimer: I’m not a believer. Well something much have started it all The argument tends to … Read more