Is there a God?

There is a claim that an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent “Supreme Being” exists … however, this claim has a rather profound problem that many choose to sweep under the carpet and ignore. The problem is this … we live in a world in which many truly horrendous events happen … stuff that is totally tragic. This … Read more

Ricky Gervais: Why I’m An Atheist

Ricky Gervais gets asked all the time, “Why don’t you believe in God?”, so he tries to give them a resonable thoughtful answer, but often ends up being frustrated. What he finds is that they are not actually looking for his response at all, they simply want to convert him. What is truly frustrating is … Read more

Obama as the Antichrist!!!

I just came across an old article in the May edition of Scientific American by Steve Mirsky. Apparently Harris Interactive conducted an on-line survey in March regarding what folks in the US thought of President Obama, and (as you might expect) the results proved to be rather startling … for example, Steve reports … 40 … Read more