Claim: “An Atheist Professor of Medicine Exposes Weaknesses in Darwinian Tales” … really?

Mike Keas, a Senior Fellow of Discovery Institute writes … Yes OK, pause there because that’s really all you need to know. A “Discovery Institute” creationist writing in a Christian publication is not something I would normally bother with, but it was the “Atheist Professor” bit that caught my eye. OK, first lets take a … Read more

Daft Huff Po Article that claims “The Universe Obviously has a Creator” – Refuted with ease …

Rabbi Alan Lurie writes a daft article in the Huf Post today entitled “Why the Universe Obviously Has a Creator (and Why Some Atheists Refuse to Even Consider It) ” It is the usual stuff, lots of claims but zero evidence. It may indeed give believers a nice warm fuzzy feeling that they are right, but it … Read more

BBC News clip : Andrew Copson of the BHA does a great job debunking the militant secularist claim

Here is a truly excellent performance by Andrew Copson (Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association), he is to be congratulated for a job well done, he interviews very well and comes across as eloquent, concise and calm. As for Anne Atkins … “I want to live in a confused mishmash of a society that just about works. We … Read more