UK MP Gary Streeter claims that only Christians help the poor

Mr Streeter, a former government minister and current MP, made some rather strange the remarks on Radio 4’s Today programme, he basically asserted that only religious people can be moral. The dialog proceeded as follows … Mr Streeter said the Prime Minister is “reflecting a new-found confidence in the Church in Britain, and a new-found … Read more

It’s magic Friday

If you have no idea what I’m on about, then you should indeed celebrate. Alas, most do know exactly what I’m talking about. Today the moon is in the right phase (yes really, it is that bizarre), and so a good percentage of the population are celebrating today as the day that god gets killed … Read more

Clueless Idiot of the week: Senator Jim Walsh of Fianna Fail in Ireland

Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland has reported today that Senator Jim Walsh of Fianna Fail made the following sweepingly inaccurate comment about Atheist Ireland and also about atheists in general when he was speaking on the floor of the Irish Parliament. “We’ve got a lot of representations from liberal groups, and particularly Atheist Ireland, and … Read more

Eric Pickles

As I’m sure you may be aware, a UK Government Minister, Eric Pickles, has been making statements … “Militant atheists” should accept that Britain is a Christian country and “get over it”, the communities secretary Eric Pickles said yesterday. Pickles changed the law in 2012 to ensure that English parish councils could not face legal challenges for … Read more