Saudi Arabia to arrest bloggers for the “crime” of atheism

The news from Saudi Arabia is as dire as ever, Gulf News reports … Manama: Saudi Arabia’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has asked the interior ministry to arrest several people for apostasy and atheism. The commission did not divulge the number of people whose arrest it requested, but it … Read more

How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian

If you have not yet come across wikiHow then you should check it out, it is a web-based and wiki-based community, consisting of an extensive database of how-to guides. wikiHow’s mission is to build the world’s largest and highest-quality how-to manual. So on Wikihow I’ve come across a How-To that leads me to doubt the claimed “highest-quality”, it is entitled … Read more

Bangladesh blogger Asif Mohiuddin at #WHC2014

Last year Bangladesh blogger Asif Mohiuddin was brutally stabbed by the Islamists, and then arrested for the crime of being an atheist and sent to jail. (I blogged about it here and also here and here) Well, I have a fabalous update for you. Asif attended the World Humanist Congress last weekend in Oxford and has an amazing story to tell. That … Read more

Daft Claim: Congressman Can Prove God Exists With A Simple Equation

It always strikes me as more than a little bit odd when somebody pops up and claims that they have “proof” that god exists. Think of this this way, take the specific religious claim and replace the word “god” with something else such as “pink unicorns”, “magic” or “elfs” and the claim would simply result in … Read more

What would a believer tell an Atheist who asks for evidence?

It is always interesting, or perhaps entertaining is a better word, to browse the Christian Post and see if anything catches my eye. Is the grass greener on the other side of the fence, and are their credible arguments lurking in some dusty long forgotten corner? (I suspect you can guess the answer). Why? Well … Read more