Weird Religious News – Trump & Friends at CPAC


It’s that time of year again when we have what must be more or less a wet-dream for that blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. This past week saw CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) take place. No longer is this event a traditional Conservative event, this is a new shiny CPAC reformed in the … Read more

Weird Religious News – GOP Jesus “Blessed are the Rich and F**k the poor”

weird religious news - cartoon by Rob Rogers

That “blessed” blend of right-wing politics and religious belief has given us a truly weird form of entertainment. Each and every week it delivers up a constant stream consisting of the utterly bizarre rantings and ravings of these lunatics. In their eyes, those that advocate compassion for the less fortunate, affordable health care for all, … Read more

Weird Religious News – Trump’s Unicorns


The word weird is of course wholly appropriate for the blend of religion and right-wing politics. Other words that naturally come to mind include “delusional” and “fantasy” because these are folks who don’t just read books about Narnia, but instead they have moved in, taken up residence, and live there. This is a place where … Read more