“Asian” is the wrong word for what happened in #Rotherham

There has been rather a lot of news in the UK regarding the horrendous volume of abuse that has been discovered to have been taking place in Rotherham, by “Asian” men. What has also been exposed is that both the police and also the social services turned a blind eye to it all. Professor Alexis Jay, author of the … Read more

Meriam Ibrahim not being released

News has been circulating in the media that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman under sentence of death in Sudan for marrying a Christian, is to be released. For example … BBC here Guardian here Sadly this is not true, her lawyer has advised Channel 4 as follows … Ms Ibrahim’s lawyer Elshareef Ali Elshareef Mohammed told Channel 4 … Read more

UK based Hate Group has charitable status for promoting intolerance

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has produced a rather extensive report on the activities of iERA (Islamic Education and Research Academy) within the UK that reveals them to not be what they claim at all. So what do iERA claim? They claim that they are a group that is … “committed to educating and informing … Read more

Why has a Pregnant Woman in Sudan been sentenced to death this week?

Pictured above is Meriam Ibrahim with her husband, Daniel Wani, at their 2011 wedding.  Today she sits on death row in Sudan for the “crime” of getting married to a non-Muslim. The new York Daily News reports … A distraught and desperate husband who traveled from New Hampshire to Sudan has been allowed to visit his … Read more

CII declares Minimum age for marriage un-islamic in Pakistan

Dawn, Pakistan’s oldest and most widely read English-language newspaper, brings us the rather astonishing news that the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) concluded its 191th meeting with the ruling that the laws related to minimum age of marriage were un-Islamic and that children of any age could get married. This is manifests itself as far older … Read more