Wingnut Weekly – 1st Sept 2019

wingnut weekly
Cartoonist Rob Rogers, who was fired for drawing cartoons that were critical of Trump, drew the above to point out that …”He called himself the “chosen one”, he insulted the Danish Prime Minister, and he spewed anti-semitic tropes and called himself the king of Israel. Just another week in Trumpland.”

The issue in focus is not belief vs non-belief, but rather is a spotlight being thrown upon those that feel that imposing their belief upon others is the high moral ground. There is a vast diversity of belief that runs right across the entire political spectrum. The problems we face are very much emanating from those on the right; those that lean towards autocratic thinking.

The majority of democrats are religious. They simply don’t impose it nor nor do they blend it with policy, but instead lean towards tolerance and diversity. The rather stark contrast is Republicanism jumping into bed with the religious right.

There is a rising demographic of nones, people who have no religious affiliation. As many as 23% or more. The response of the religious right is the demonisation of those that reject their religious claims. The response of the democrats this week was this formal resolution…

WHEREAS, the religiously unaffiliated demographic has tripled in the last two decades, now representing 25% of the overall American population and 35% of those under the age of 30 ….


1. The value, ethical soundness, and importance of the religiously unaffiliated demographic, a group of Americans who contribute in innumerable ways to the arts, sciences, medicine, business, law, the military, their communities, the success of the Party and prosperity of the Nation; and

2. That religiously unaffiliated Americans are a group that, as much as any other, advocates for rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values and should be represented, included, and heard by the Party.

Here is the future – tolerance and inclusiveness. This is a signpost on the road that leads to the inevitable decline of the autocratic anti-science and xenophobic Republicans.

Which Wingnuts popped up during the last 7 days?

An Old Trope – Holocaust Denial …

  • Dave Daubenmire Questions the Extent of the Holocaust“I’m not going to get into the depth about it because you are going to call me names,” Daubenmire said. “In 1900, there were 7,500,000 in the world. This ain’t forged. Folks, 7,500,000 Jews in the world. Can somebody explain to me how six million of them died in Germany? That is all I am going to say. I’ll let you figure the rest out.”
    • Rebutal: The figure of 6 million deaths of Jews in the Holocaust does not simply refer to the numbers of German Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis, nor of simply of those who died in Germany; it includes those who died in death camps located in Poland, Ukraine and other European countries. Furthermore, the Pew Research Center estimates the total population of European Jews in 1939, before the war began, at 9.5 million, based on historical research by Sergio DellaPergola of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Not a Democrat Voter then …

  • Josh Bernstein declares that the left is “literally excrement”: “Democrats eat and root in crap. They are crap.”

Claim: Education is Illegal …

Not a fan of Social Media …

  • Josh Bernstein: Trump Must Use the Military to Arrest the Heads of Google, Twitter, and Facebook…“What President Trump needs to do is he needs to arrest the heads of Google, Twitter, and Facebook and shut down Silicon Valley,” Bernstein declared. “I would go in with the federal government and shut it down because what they are doing is illegal. They are usurping the First Amendment’s freedom of speech. They must be shut down. And if not, we need to figure out a way to get them gone.
    • Background context: He is pissed that a few white supremacists had their accounts shutdown
    • Follow up: He also later posted a video on his YouTube channel in which he repeated this threat.

Criticism of Trump = Criticism of God …

Some do have a truly cult like devotion …

  • Trump 2020 campaign adviser Tana Goertz declares that Trump is … “so intelligent it would make your brain blow up if you even knew how smart this man was.”
  • Bill Mitchell declares that President Trump is so naturally gifted that he operates on a level of “unconscious competence” that allows him to automatically dos the right thing without having to even think about it.

The Weather control lady is back …

Claim: Abortion causes Mass shootings …

What else happened?

It is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious …

Sexual abusers …

  • Priest Allegedly Forced Children into Group Sex in Church Rectory
  • Christian “Faith Healer” Accused of Sex Perversion and Harassing Male Interns
  • 38 Former Students Sue Jewish High School Saying Officials Ignored Sex Abuse
  • A GA School Expelled a Girl for “Sexual Impropriety” After She Was Assaulted

Racists …

Thieves …

  • Christian Science Leader in Los Angeles Charged With Stealing $11.5 Million

Homophobic bigots …

  • Hours After Getting Hired, a Lesbian Teacher Was Fired from a Catholic School
  • Christian Megachurch Receives Backlash After Promoting “Gay Conversion” Torture

Misogyny …

Lies ..

  • Mike Pence Spreads Lie That President Obama Removed Bibles from VA Hospitals

Sacrificing son for God …

Dubious and weird claims …

  • Preacher Says, Without Evidence, That He Saw “Two Babies Raised from the Dead”
  • Pat Robertson: God May Have Created the Earth in Six “Galactic Days”
  • Trump-Loving Pastor: “The Bible is the Constitution of the Government”

Something highly dodgy is going on …

  • Jerry Falwell, Jr. Gave His Young Male Personal Trainer a Sweet Land Deal

Utterly bizarre and frankly quite funny …

  • A TN Church’s Sermon Series on “The Christian Woman” Has Only Male Speakers
  • A TX Man Sued the Catholic Church Over His 1925 Baptism. He Lost. Again. – (His complaint is that the priest used a crucifix when baptising him in 1925, and he is apparently very very cross about that [Yes pun intended])

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