Previously I used the title “Weekly Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News”. That’s a tad long so I’ll try out this new title “Weekly Wingnut News”. Cue a band of internet surfing mechanics becoming bitterly disappointed to discover I’m not discussing hardware and instead that this relates to the slang term “Wingnut” that is used to label folks who hold rather extreme and utterly bizarre religious or political views.
It should not of course be news, but because the Republican party has opted to disconnect from reality and permit itself to be hijacked by Wingnuts, rather a lot of utterly bizarre stuff has gone mainstream. We now suffer the consequences. Unfortunately they are carrying the rest of us along as unwilling hostages.
What Wingnuttery happened during the last 7 days?
Greenland …
Conspiracy theories …
- Mark Taylor: Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘Has Got to Be a Pedophile’ …
- “Citing false reports that Chief Justice John Roberts had ties to Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge-fund multimillionaire who took his own life while awaiting trial for sexual assault and trafficking of minors, Taylor suggested that this could be the scandal that rocks the Supreme Court.”
- Rick Wiles believes that Jeffrey Epstein is “alive and well” and living in another country after receiving a full face transplant, “or maybe even a head transplant.”
- Brenden Dilley predicts that Trump will declassify troves of documents pertaining to the Mueller/Russia investigation in September, when everyone in America is back from summer vacation.
- Robert Jeffress asserts that Sen. Bernie Sanders is “completely illiterate when it comes to what the Old Testament teaches about Israel,” and so are all Jews who vote for Democrats.
- The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles is entertaining conspiracy theories that allege Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a paid actor hired to portray a progressive politician, describing her as …
- “a little marionette getting her puppet strings pulled by more intelligent and more ideologically formed left-wingers.”
- ‘The Fed = The Deep State’ Says Trump Ally Ed Martin …
- “If you are wondering whether the Deep State is still working against President Trump, look no further than the Federal Reserve. They are doing their very best to keep Trump’s booming economy from booming even more.“
Folks who claimed that God personally communicated with them…
- Again Mark Taylor: ‘Patriots’ Will Murder High-Profile Democrats in the Streets if Trump Doesn’t Carry Out Mass Arrests by January …
- “That is what God has shown me“
- Francis Myles, The Bloody Scapegoat, and ‘The Battle for 2020’…
- “he claimed that God recently gave him a vision of a goat drenched in blood that he claim symbolized the demonic attempt to blame President Trump for the bloodshed in America in order to prevent him from being re-elected in 2020.“
- God told pastor Francis Myles that President Trump is not racist.
- Jeffrey McCall claims that God told him …
- “that not all in the LGBTQ community are born eunuchs, but that many eunuchs are trapped in those lifestyles under deception from the enemy” and that “these trapped eunuchs were a key to the overthrow of Jezebel’s principality.”
- Hank Kunneman and the Prophetic Thumb Drive
The marriage of church and state …
- Francis Myles: ‘The Bible Is the Constitution of the Government’
- “pastor Francis Myles declared that “the Bible is the constitution of the government” and defended President Trump’s immigration policy by arguing that even Heaven doesn’t allow just anyone to enter.“
Truly bizarre …
- Hank Kunneman: Trump’s ‘Secret Prayer’ Derailed the Mueller Report
- Jonathan Cahn believes that Mark Twain’s “The Innocents Abroad” was prophesied by Moses in Deuteronomy.
- John Guandolo cannot understand how Reps. Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib haven’t been arrested for … “sedition and treason and conspiring to overthrow the United States government.”
- North Carolina County Declares Itself ‘Sanctuary’ For ‘Pre-Born’ Children …
- “Yadkin County North Carolina had unanimously passed a resolution “to designate Yadkin County as the nation’s first sanctuary county for pre-born children.”
Did anything else happen?
As usual, the flow was both wide and deep, and utterly bizarre ..
- WA State Rep. Matt Shea Helped Group Train Christian Men for “Biblical Warfare”
- TN Lawmaker Gets Anti-Abortion Preacher to Admit He Doesn’t See Women as Equals
- Lesbian Gets Nasty Letter from MS Pastor, Kicking Her Out of His Baptist Church
- Conservatives Want the Supreme Court to Legalize Firing People for Being Trans
- Christian Group: IL LGBTQ History Law Will Promote “Deviant Sexual Proclivities”
- Jim Bakker Still Sells Gel That He Says Cures Venereal Diseases (“All of Them!”)
- Youth Pastor at Anti-Gay Church Accused of Sexually Exploiting Several Teen Boys
- Greek Bishop Who Blamed Atheist Prime Minister for Wildfires Will Finally Resign
- Peeping Tom in Nashville Store Turns Out to Be Mormon Leader
- TX Paper Fact-Checks Lt. Gov. Who Blamed Mass Shooting on Lack of School Prayer
- Guam’s Catholic Church Sued Over Priest Who Admitted Sexually Abusing 20 Kids
- During Israel Trip, FL GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis Asked God to “Spare Us Hurricanes”
- Lying for Jesus … Preacher: At a Recent Healing Conference, a Dead Baby Was Brought Back to Life
- Pat Robertson Tells Man His Wife’s Female Friend Must Be a Lesbian Seducing Her
- The Babylon Bee’s Satire is Confusing Christians Who Think the Stories Are Real
- Christian Couple That Ran “Gay Conversion” Camps Arrested for Child Trafficking
- Priest Who Allegedly Stole $100K in Donations Sent Some to Men He Met on Grindr
- New Documents Show Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Defending Abusive Pastor
- Catholic Priest Arrested for Tying Up, Blindfolding, and Throwing Boy in Closet
- Marysville (MI) City Council Candidate Wants to Keep it “White” Like God Wanted
- This Colorado Lowe’s Store is Apparently Managed by Jesus
To finish on a more positive note, this also happened …
- Newly Elected Missouri County Council Member Takes Oath on Dr. Seuss Book
She is non-religious. There is no rule that says you have the take the oath on a bible so with the help of her kids she went for Dr Seuss. Her election also gives the council a female majority for the first time ever … and yes it really happened (see picture below)
As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch mentions in an editorial, it’s a wise choice when you consider the actual words in that book …
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”