The rather obvious big event of the week has been the impeachment trial in the Senate. What many GOP senators perhaps did not appreciate was that it was not simply about Trump, it was also about them – in essence, the ultimate ethics test.
It was also in many respects a decisive moment, an opportunity for them to put the Trump era behind them and return back to being the party they once were. We know who they are and that they need to deal with a radicalised base, so we also knew that it was inevitable that they would take a pass on that and go for yet more lunacy.
History will not be kind to them.
Has any other insanity bubbled to the surface during this past week?
To demonstrate that it was never just Trump, below you will find a few samples that have popped up during the past week …
Impeachment Trial
- Hans von Spakovsky: Trump Impeachment Is Like Stalin’s Show Trials
- … except of course for the observation that they are dealing with robust well-established facts and solid evidence against the corrupt tyrant.
- Jenna Ellis: Impeachment Trial Is ‘The Left Trying to Intimidate Conservatives Into Silence’
- When facts and evidence are interpreted as “intimidation” then clearly you are on the wrong side of the law.
- Marjorie Taylor Greene says that the impeachment of former President Donald Trump is nothing but an attack on freedom of speech driven by Democrats who don’t want conservatives to be able to ask questions, like she claims that she was doing when she posted conspiracy theories and outrageous comments on her Facebook page.
- Freedom of Speech is still in place. What is actually happening is that there is no freedom from the consequences of promoting BS or inciting a mob.
The Cult of Trump
- ‘Hold the Line’: QAnon Adherents Claim Trump Will Become President Again on March 4
- My Prediction: When this fails to happen then the goal posts will once again be moved on March 5
- Dave Hayes Says God Will Compel the Military to Remove Biden From Office
- He also claimed that Trump would win. He is at least consistent; every single prediction he makes fails to happen.
- DeAnna Lorraine Now Says the Capitol Insurrection Was a ‘False Flag’
- The folks arrested all have long track records as Trump fanatics. You need to be incredibly gullible to buy the “fake flag” claim.
Biden Fan Club
- Greg Locke still refuses to accept that Biden is president: “If you think Joe Biden is the president, you’re smoking a lot of meth in your mama’s basement.”
- What I want to know is this – what exactly is Locke smoking?
- Mychal Massie condemns President Joe Biden “just as John the Baptist publicly condemned the tetrarch Herod Antipas for taking his brother Philip’s wife and many other wicked acts.”
- Remind me again what happened to John the Baptist in the bible story.
- ‘Black Robe’ Pastor Wore Oath Keepers T-Shirt at Trump ‘Prayer Rally’ in December: ‘We Are the Government of America’ … “all legitimate governments are based in “the lordship of Jesus Christ”
- He is promoting the idea of a religious dictatorship, akin to the Taliban. History teaches us what the consequences of this would be if it actually happened.
- E.W. Jackson declares that he refuses to watch any NFL games and will continue his boycott “until they apologize to me for having disrespected my American flag.”
- Knowing that he is not watching makes the NFL games a little bit more enjoyable.
- QAnon Adherent Gina Carano Fired from Disney’s ‘The Mandalorian’ for Comparing US Political Climate to Nazi Germany
- Some have used this to claim “Conservative voices are being silenced”. Nope, politics plays no role here, her social media activity rendered her too toxic, it was a business decision, not a political one.
- Actions really do have consequences.
- Gab founder Andrew Torba announces that representatives from his social media platform will not talk to anyone in the “pagan” media: “If you’re not a Christian reporter or from a Christian media company you will be ignored. All other press statements will be published on our blog for pagan propagandists to pick from.”
- Since Gab is a haven for neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and white nationalists, this is not a threat, but a blessed relief.
- Cliff Kincaid thinks that “we could use another prominent anti-communist like Joe McCarthy” in Congress today.
- Because that worked out so well last time. Everybody remembers the McCarthy era with warmth and fondness.
- Mark Taylor is convinced that the COVID-19 vaccine is “a bioweapon” and a precursor to the Mark of the Beast. As such, he warns people not even to get tested for the virus because “the vaccine is now in the test.”
- For this to be true you need to believe in a global conspiracy involving almost every biologist and doctor on the planet. So either that is the case … or … Mark Taylor is simply a delusional religious nutter. Gosh, that is such a hard choice to make.
False Profit$
- Johnny Enlow Sees Prophetic Significance For Trump in the Super Bowl
- Yes, this is the same guy who claimed in January that the result of the college football national championship game was a prophetic sign that President Donald Trump would remain in office (he didn’t)
- Perry Stone did a study and claims to have discovered that President Joe Biden’s name, when translated into Hebrew, means “Alas, Judgment.”
- You can have fun playing such games with any name …
- “Vice President Joe Biden” -> “Envied, despite nicer job.”
- “Donald and Melania Trump” -> “Dull primate and madonna.”
- “Biden-Harris” -> “hired brains.”
- etc…
- You can have fun playing such games with any name …
- ‘Prophet’ Jeff Jansen Says Trump Will Be Back in Office by June
- He also guaranteed that Trump would win the 2020 election and serve a second term. His track record for being right so far is more or less zero.
- ‘Prophetess’ Amanda Grace Says Trump’s Impeachment Trial Is Proof He’s Still President
- The boundaries of Stupidity are being tested here, because clearly reality of for her is an undiscovered republic that is far over the horizon and out of sight.
- Robin Bullock claims that President Joe Biden is attempting to “stop prophecy” by having defeated Donald Trump in the 2020 election and will thus be driven mad because he does not have the anointing of God on him.
- He is basically claiming that Biden is more powerful than God.
- False Prophets totally own their complete failure, there is no passing the buck.
- Hank Kunneman repeatedly prophesied that Trump would win the election and serve a second term. That didn’t happen, but Kunneman insists that nobody is qualified to call him a false prophet unless they are a prophet.
- Easily resolved, I can simply declare that I’m a prophet and that Hank Kunneman is a false prophet. You can do this as well, anybody can. You can self-appoint yourself as a “prophet” just like Hank, and remember, your prophecies don’t even need to be true, just like Hank’s.
Tweets – “I’m not a cat”
On a lighter note, this just has to be the zoom event of the week.