All the folks in congress who pushed the big lie, that the election was stolen, and still to this day continue to push that same big lie, spent this past week formally opposing any investigation into what happened on Jan 6th. Given their part in supporting the big lie, is anybody really surprised?
Congressman Tim Ryan had a few words of truth for them …
Did any other GQP insanity float to the surface of the swamp during this past week?
Indeed yes. There is never any shortage. When one party abandons truth, reality, decency, the rule of law, and basic human empathy, then you are guaranteed an ongoing weekly shit-show.
You will find below a few more examples. I’ve highlighted these so that we can laugh about it all. I find that to be the best response to the batshit insane that flows from this cult of fools.
Don’t get angry, instead mock them. They have worked so hard to earn that mockery, so why disappoint.
- Lyft and Uber are offering free rides to and from vaccination sites, and that sounds a lot like Nazi Germany to right-wing broadcaster Stew Peters: “They gave free boxcar transportation to a place called Auschwitz.”
- I don’t recall free boxcar rides back home again being a Nazi thing, I guess I missed that day in history class.
- Kat Kerr was recently in Texas and claims that there have been “absolutely no reports” of any COVID-19 related deaths since the state lifted restrictions in March.
- Fact Check: her claim is verifiably and very obviously false.
- Kat Kerr Reality Check: If Kat claims it, then you can more or less guarantee, without any need to check, that it is not true. Her track record of being 100% wrong about everything is very consistent.
- Lauren Boebert also Falsely Claims Texas Hasn’t Had a Single COVID-19 Death Since Lifting All Restrictions Two Months Ago
- Thee people live in an echo chamber where nobody fact checks anything ever.
- Least you wonder, here is a Fact Check: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott lifted all COVID-19 restrictions in Texas on March 2. According to data provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services, the state had recorded 46,538 deaths at that point. As of May 19, Texas has reported 50,051 deaths, meaning that according to Texas’ own “COVID-19 Total Fatalities by County” chart, more than 3,500 people have died of COVID-19 since the state removed all restrictions two months ago.
- Side Note: where did this utterly false claim come from? Fox News of course.
- Rep. Madison Cawthorn argues that political leaders should not have to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 because George Washington would never have worn one.
- How exactly does Rep. Madison Cawthorn know what Washington would have done?
- Meanwhile credible historians make a good argument that he would have worn a face mask.
Commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection
- Marjorie Taylor Greene is “very upset” about the proposed commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol because it’ll be used to “demoralize Trump supporters” and “paint them as if they’re horrible people.”
- “paint them as if they’re horrible people.” requires exactly zero effort by any commission, they managed that all by themselves.
- Capitol Police issued a statement expressing their “profound disappointment” in the Republican leadership‘s opposition to the establishment of a commission to examine the Capitol insurrection. The bizarre twist is that literally hours later the Republican National Committee sent an email blast to subscribers asking that they “help unseat anti-police radicals.”.
- The raw hypocrisy of the RNC is jaw-dropping stuff.
Truly Bizarre
- Concerned Women for America is very concerned about critical race theory and appears to be unclear about what the term actually means: “Let us fight racism and injustice wherever we find it. And in that spirit, we must resist this new racist CRT ideology.”
- Yes, you read that correctly, their claim is that critical race theory is racist and unjust.
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks we’ve got it all wrong: “The people who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 are being abused.”
- For MTG, abuse is where vile capitol police offices used their heads to brutally batter the baseball bats, hockey sticks, and fists that belonged to these “peaceful patriots”
- Pastor Andrew Wommack Says Gay People Should Have to Wear Warning Labels on Their Foreheads
- Is this my Godwin moment? – Not only does he demonise a minority, but he now demands that they must wear a badge.
- The essence of his claim is that gay people have a greatly reduced life span, supposedly 20 years shorter, and so people should be warned about this. FactCheck.1 Being gay is not a choice, it is the way you are. FactCheck.2 His “shorter lifespan” claim is like everything else he claims, total bullshit, and is based upon a seriously flawed study … he picked the study because it confirms his bigotry, and happily ignored the rebuttal, but I guess you knew that.
Fools of the week – The False Profit$
The stars of this weekly show are of course the religious grifters. To be wholly clear, most humans, regardless of their cultural belief or non-belief are decent. Some however deploy and leverage belief as a tool to manipulate and enrich themselves with. This section is very much dedicated to these con artists …
- Mario Murillo: ‘God Is Destroying Wokeness’ and the Church Needs Gen. Pattons to ‘Win the War’
- He is literally promoting the idea that the legally certified election needs to be cancelled, and that anybody suggesting this is wrong is part of “Cancel culture”.
- “Prophet” Lance Wallnau says that when Trump was “robbed” of his reelection, the “masks came off” people seeking the “deconstruction of the world as we know it” through COVID-19-related public health restrictions, which in Wallnau’s telling, clearly indicate an “End Times scenario.”
- “End Times scenario.” is actually the end of his ability to promote fraudulent claims without facing consequences.
- Kat Kerr Says Christians ‘Shouldn’t Pray’ for Biden Because He Is Not Legitimately ‘In Authority’
- Johnny Enlow has a message from God for all the evil “deep-state” Luciferians who allegedly stole the election from former President Donald Trump: “You are not going to be able to defend yourself from what I am bringing to you.”
- The only people he is actually communicating with are his doners. This stuff is designed to create the illusion he is doing something, so they simply need to keep donating.
- Hank Kunneman warns his fellow Christians that they “better be careful” about criticizing “prophets” such as himself: “It’s a dangerous place, and some of you might get leprosy.”
- About 150 people are diagnosed with Leprosy in the US each year, none of them got it because they criticised Hank. Meanwhile, the number of people who are prepared to label Hank Kunneman as a fraudster and grifter is literally numbered in the millions.
- In next week’s episode of “Hank Kunneman defends the big lie”, we will perhaps see him threatening his critics with a plague of locusts, or perhaps a flood.
That’s a wrap for this week.
Will next week be any different, is it possible for all these crazy people to suddenly find some common sense?
Nope, most are too deeply invested. They can’t jump off crazy train as it continues to roll over a cliff into an abyss.