Michele Bachmann has announced that she will not run for re-election in 2014 (phew), perhaps because she has enough sense to grasp that her chances of getting re-elected are more or less zero, or perhaps it just might be due to a widening investigation into her campaign spending. She claims …
“I fully anticipate the mainstream liberal media to put a detrimental spin on my decision not to seek a fifth term,” she said in a gauzy network-television quality video posted on her campaign Web site. “They always seemed to attempt to find a dishonest way to disparage me.
… and so factual disclosures such as the following are simply liberal media spin then …
The Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported this month that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was conducting its own investigation, joining the Federal Election Commission and the Iowa Senate Ethics Committee on the growing list of investigative bodies looking into her campaign activity.
Yes indeed, damn those evil wicked FBI guys, so obsessed with liberal stuff such as ethics and laws.
Still not sure who she is? (Some non US readers really don’t know) OK, let me remind you …
- Her finest worst moment came during her presidential run when she visited Waterloo, Iowa and declared that she was thrilled to be in the hometown of John Wayne. One little problem: it was actually the hometown of John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown who murdered 33 people and stuffed their bodies beneath his house – oops
- She is also famous for calling liberal Congressmen anti-American – apparently you must vote republican to be deemed worthy
- Oh and lets not forget her declaration that homosexuality leads to a life of “bondage” – well yes, but that is perhaps true for any consenting adults who happen to have a pre-arranged safe word.
To be truly honest, a concept that will be quite alien to her, the fact that she is standing down is fabulous news, and well-worth celebrating. Why? Well, there are several reasons, the first being the fact that she was never acquainted with verifiable facts, so much so that many fact checkers will now suddenly be left unemployed, as reported by the Washington Post …
The announcement that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is not seeking reelection will leave the Capitol a much less interesting place to fact check. As one of our colleagues put it, “The entire fact checking industry may have to hold a national day of mourning.”
Bachmann is not just fast and loose with the facts; she is consistently and unapologetically so.
“Pics or it did not happen”, you might reply. OK, here you go …
I bet you thought the “tea party” reference being associated with her name was a nod to a certain political event in Boston. Nope, it turns out instead to refer to a specific event in wonderland.