If you are a regular reader then you will already be familiar with the name “Mark Robinson” and will have also already been well aware of just how deeply whacky and weird this NC GOP candidate really is. Apparently the rest of the nation is now catching up. Previous highlights from him have included …
- Via a jaw-dropping article in The Assembly we learned that he had a history as a regular porn consumer
- We also learned that his nonprofit, which served as a conduit for getting federal funding for child care facilities’ meals, was requesting federal funding on behalf of childcare centers and then not actually giving them the money, he simply kept it all.
- He has also previously claimed that religion in public schools could prevent mass shootings
- At a June rally, he ranted “Some folks need killing.”
- He also denies the Holocaust.
- He is very very strongly against abortion in all circumstances, yet previously paid for an abortion for a girlfriend.
- Deeply deeply homophobic
- etc…
In essence, a truly obnoxious human being and also a perfect fit within today’s GOP, and I’m just scratching the surface with the above.
Earlier this past week whispers were swirling around about that a big CNN story about him was about to drop and that the reveal would force him to withdraw from the election. Many, including myself, seriously wondered, “What they heck could they possibly reveal that would make him look even worse?“.
Well now we know. It turns out that he really is a stone cold pervert with zero social awareness and an enormously undeserved ego. He is also extremely racist in ways that don’t even make sense, and is addicted to hardcore pornography.
So here it is. CNN published this last Thur on Sept 19 … “‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum“. Here are a few brief snippets …
… Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography …
… “I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered,” Robinson wrote on Nude Africa…
… Robinson disparaged Martin Luther King in such intense terms, calling him a “commie bastard,” “worse than a maggot,” a “ho f**king, phony,” and a “huckster,”…
...“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote….
There is more, much much more. The interesting twist here is that some of his stuff is so deeply offensive and so perverted, that CNN can’t publish it or broadcast it. This enables Robinson to duck rather a lot of flack because people aware of the CNN article and horrified by that, have not seen the actual source material and so they are not aware of how truly awful he really is.
If you are curious, Google “nude Africa Mark Robinson posts” and click on images. They are easy to spot in yellow, but seriously, you may be better off not seeing that stuff.
- Everybody: Republicans can’t possible find a black candidate worse than Herschel Walker. Mark Robinson: Hold my swastika and my binoculars!
- The problem isn’t that Mark Robinson wasn’t vetted. The problem is that he was vetted and his bad, horrible stuff does not matter to Republican voters. Pretty much just like with Trump.
- Let this Mark Robinson story be a cautionary tale about freedom of speech. You also could be unjustly canceled in the prime of your life just for some youthful posts about [scrolls] oh, uh, well [scrolls faster] oh god [frantically tapping Page Down] what the fuck, man.
You known the standard play when exposed. It is of course denial.
He does the usual gaslighting. “That’s all false and was not me“, Robinson claimed … except CNN have the receipts. The “minisoldr” user really is him …

Naturally the GOP double standard kicks in …

There will also be a stunning silence from his evangelical supporters. If they did not condemn him for any of the previous revelations, then not even this will give them any pause. Remember that Trump is on record talking about sexual assault and has been convicted for that and much more, yet they still celebrate and support him. Robinson may be no different. They really are morally bankrupt.
In other words, don’t bother asking the right to stop being hypocrites. That’s their schtick. They really don’t care about moral seriousness.
And of course the NC GOP have made the decision to embrace his gaslighting and stand with him…

- For some that has just got to be truly excellent news. “Thank you NC GOP!” –Kamala Harris
Meanwhile MLK III is now strongly motivated to pitch in and help Kamala in NC …

Political Violence & Rhetoric
So earlier in the week this also happened …

Trump did of course do his usual bit of gaslighting and proceeded to blame “their violent rhetoric” for the almost shooting … but seriously, as usual his stance is pure BS. It really is not “both sides” …

Joe Walsh, digs into Trumps Rhetoric claim a bit deeper with an excellent bit of insight …
- For a bit of context here, Joe Walsh was an elected Republican in the House for over 12 years, but in 2020 he announced that the Republican Party was a “cult” and quit.

…and David Frum below also points out the rather obvious difference with his rhetoric…
- For a bit of political context here, he is not a Democrat, but instead is a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush. He has been a “Never Trump” guy since 2016.

We also have this reminder for Greg …

What actually matters
Pete Buttigieg as always manages to beautifully slice away all the nonsense and point out what truly does matter …

Kamala’s Fan Club
The MAGA Prophets and Pastors continue to love her. Here are some samples from the past week:
Right-wing pastor Robert Henderson issued a decree against Kamala Harris, declaring that “the burning, searing, exposing heat of God now causes her campaign and her herself to wither away and become as nothing.“
- This comes across as something that is more akin to voodoo, it really is deeply weird stuff.
- … and when she wins we will see the real “power” of his prayer, but you already knew that because this is the same guy that was praying for Trump to be back in office back in 2020.
- He is also the same guy that claimed that Trump was the chosen one of god. Apparently the god he believes in is rather crap at choosing.
- As for what he should actually be doing, the bible he ignores is rather clear. For those that actually care about such stuff, Paul famously wrote within his letter to Timothy advising Christians to pray for, not against, those who are in high positions. He wrote that in AD 63 when Nero was emperor. It’s weird that I, a non-Christian appear to know far more about the Bible than he does.
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Joseph Z, who has reportedly been invited to meet with Trump, was asked what to expect if Kamala Harris becomes president: “We’re headed for a socialist concentration camp-style of governing.“
- He is lying, and he knows he is lying. While grifters like this, who not only manipulate but defraud people, really do deserve to be rounded up and jailed for fraud, I think Kamala has far better things to do.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders also popped up this past week with a weird take on Kamala …

- I mean seriously now, how is it not deeply funny and also weird to see see somebody brag about how humble they are.
- Since going after “childless cat ladies” worked ever so well for Vance, I guess she has decided to take a similar stance.
Speaking of weird takes on Kamala, we also got this during the past week – Misogynistic Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon says being ruled by a woman is punishment from God and so a Kamala Harris presidency will be God’s judgment on America for being a wicked, rebellious, apostate nation.
- Apparently for Joel, being ruled by an incompetent and criminal clown is far better than being ruled by a very competent women.
- “God’s Judgement” … er no, that’s literally not how democracy works. No gods get a vote, only people do.
- Meanwhile, when it comes to his weird and whacky beliefs then yes, I’m all in on being “wicked, rebellious, and apostate” principally because that is where the high moral ground is.
Demonizing Immigrants

It got so bad that they needed to go virtual …really …

… and when pushed, Vance admits he makes this stuff up …
“But I have people telling me this happened and I have evidence“, Vance claimed, and then provided an actual police report. A reporter checked, which is something that neither Vance nor any of his staff did, and yes, it was total BS …

- What is indeed deeply weird about Vance is not that he lies, but rather than when he does, he is not very good at it.
- I mean seriously now, with a very limited number of days left until the election, Vance is using the remaining time to run around Springfield frantically trying to find someone whose cat is missing, and using those he finds as fodder on prime time news to try and persuade people to vote for him. #WeirdestCampaignEver
- Cats go missing all the time. Will MAGA now be assuming immigrants have eaten every single one?

Abortion Bans have a growing body count
The following report of preventable deaths made a splash this past week. The deaths are a consequence of GOP policies, and they just don’t care. Their supposed “pro-life” stance is literally killing women …

- The full article itself can be found here.
- A healthy 28-year-old medical assistant died because state Republicans made it a felony to give her the life-saving routine treatment she needed. She was there in the hospital and staff were not legally permitted to save her life.
- At least two women have already died because they were denied life-saving treatment, and there are probably many others … but the Republicans really do not care.
It is not just Georgia, healthcare is also being constrained within other states leading to similar dire outcomes …

They were warned very loudly and clearly by medical experts that people would die. The response to that was an assertion that it would never happen and that such claims were fear-mongering, and now here we are. People have every right to be deeply angry …

Weirdest of the Weird
The deeply weird ones tend to prop each other up …

- Feuerstein is the guy who is famous because he lost his shit over Starbucks cups a few years back.
- Yes, she is indeed “eight more often than not” … as in … eight kinds of crazy. (His typo in the Paragraph above)
White nationalist C. Jay Engel wants to see “Taylor Swift arrested and executed.”
- Translation: “Execute the person who’s vote I disagree with”
White nationalist Dalton Clodfelter asserts that “America was built by white people for white people”: “It was white men for white men.”
- For context, he says stuff like this to mine engagement on twitter and thus earn $$$. Twitter’s business model is literally “designed” as a maternity ward that gives birth to shit like this.
MAGA Pastor Robert Henderson tells the story of a man who contracted a nearly fatal fever that was caused by … his votes for Democrats. But don’t worry, Henderson prayed and was able to heal that man: “Hopefully he’s a good, solid Republican now.”
- Yes, this is the same guy from earlier who was calling down fire and brimstone upon Kamala (who is a committed Baptist), because he much prefers the chosen one (a convicted felon and convicted sexual abuser)
- It is sadly rather easy to lie to deeply gullible people.
- If there really is a god then grifters such as Pastor Robert Henderson, who defraud and manipulate people like this, are indeed truly fucked.
In a Senate hearing that was about combatting hate, a Republican senator pus his anti-Arab racism on display and none of his colleagues condemn him …
- She is polite and gracious while he maintains his xenophobic asshole stance through it all. He ignored her answers to his questions, refused to allow her to speak, and badgered her relentlessly.
- He is literally cutting her off while she says no by saying “you can’t bring yourself to say no”
The False Profit$
MAGA “prophets” act as an unofficial arm of the Trump campaign. They often spread the same lies, along with claims that Trump has been anointed by God. Peter Montgomery has written a short analysis that might be of interest to some.
- Sept 20 (RWW: Peter Montgomery): MAGA Prophets Repeat Dangerous Trump Lies, Declare Him ‘Anointed by God’
Taylor Swift Also has a Fan Club
Trump really “loves” Taylor … (and yes, this was real) …

Others joined in. If there were any Swifties in Greg’s church, they are now heading for the exit …

Twit of the week on Twitter
Tony Perkins of the FRC hate group, was complaining that he gets fact-checked on FB, and is permitted to lie and is not challenged on Twitter …

His claim is that “In 12 states, children born alive after a failed abortion have no legal protection, and in three more states children born alive after an abortion had legal rights that governors — like Tim Walz — repealed.”
PolitiFact checked with legal subject matter experts.
The truth – Perkins is lying, his claim is BS.
“But but but …” says the FRC.
Nope, says PolitiFact, we checked your rebuttals with multiple law professors, your stance is not what the law says.
It has been explained to Perkins, so he simply ignores that fact-based rebuttal and keeps repeating what he now knows is a lie.
Yea, Rich Lowry said the N word
- His defence is “No no, I simply mispronounced “migrants”“. You can be the judge of that by listening to the above.
Is it credible that he really said it?
From the guy who wrote the following last March, yep, it really is …

Science Backs Kamala
When the other side is opposed to science, then yes, this is what naturally happens …

- They explain exactly why they backed her. The SA article doing that is here – “Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment”
Tweets that did not age well

For those of you that are thinking “huh, I don’t get it“, OK, a quick bit of catchup for you.
This happened this past week …

If you are thinking “So what”, well the point is this; she was reporting on the campaign and had failed to disclose the relationship to her employer. That’s called a “undisclosed conflict of interest“.
Translation: Journalist who has been consistently anti-Dem was taking that stance while hooking up with a top Trump surrogate!
Excellent Political cartoons from the past week

The print edition of @TheOnion includes this satire coupon …

We really are living in the dumbest timeline right now …
Where exactly do Haitians come from?
One last thought …