Cult of Fools Weekly (Oct 20, 2024) – “The closest thing to God”

There are vast numbers of people who sincerely believe that Trump is their best choice. For some he is the chosen one and the closest thing to God we have …

It really is now a political/religious cult in which facts do not matter, and the individuals in it no longer share our reality with us.

Here is Glenn Youngkin demonstrating this. Like most of the Trump cult, he appears to be in denial about the things Trump actually says …

  • Younkin OP-ED: “I’m a reasonable Republican, and I’m here to educate you on how the liberal media took Trump’s recent words out of context by quoting them word-for-word in full
  • If you insist that Trump isn’t actually saying what he’s literally saying according to direct quotations … then yes, you really are in a cult.
  • For context, Trump is saying that he will use the military to root out liberals.

We also, this past week, had Trump’s Bizarre Town Hall on Oct 14 at Oaks, PA…

His own ex-staff, those closest to him, the people this “genius” carefully handpicked for his 2016 administration are calling him a fascist, but many journalists are not doing their job and calling this out …

As the Master of Bullshit, each and every single day sees him run daily bullshit classes …

If he actually wins, then he is really going to completely fuck up the economy …

So why is it close, what the hell is going on, can anybody make this being a close race make sense?

We can always ask, but his cult followers who adore him don’t appear to know why …

There are a few interesting and rather obvious observations …

  • It’s tempting to consider Stupidity to be playing a role – over the past decade White voters without degrees have shifted to the GOP, while White voters with degrees have become more Democratic, but this appears to be a consequence and not the driving cause.
  • Tribalism plays a role – membership of a party predicts how people will vote and that often, but not always, remains true no matter how obnoxious or incompetent the candidate is.
  • Political identity also plays a role – Those who identify as liberal see the Democrats as their tribe, and Conservatives embrace the GOP as their tribe. That also tends to remain true quite independently of the actual behaviour or proposed policies of the candidates.

It’s a divide that is no longer about spending and taxes, but instead is about the basic fundamentals – who is American, and what does being American actually mean?

This time around it is Democracy itself that is on the ballot. Do we retain freedom and the right to choose, or do we delegate choice on a whole range of things, (Books, Abortion, whom you can love and marry, etc…), to religious/political fanatics who do not have our best interests in mind and only seek power to enrich themselves?

OK, let’s move on now and see what other crazy stuff has popped up during the past week.

Project 2025 + JD Vance = The Real Long Game

Some excellent insights via PoliticsGirl …

Kamala’s Fox Interview

I quite honestly thought that going on Fox to do an interview was a mistake.

I was oh so very wrong. She totally owned him, knocked it out of the park, and reached an audience not normally reached …

Baier hoped for a decisive propaganda moment, but she was not who they portray here to be, they faced the real Kamala, not the Fox News strawman.

Kamala Hecklers

So this also happened …

Christian Nationalism

It’s scary that a lot of voters will be voting without really understanding what they are voting for …

That’s why it is important to get the message out regarding Christian Nationalism …

Here is her full 1 hour review of it all …

Some label criticism of Christian Nationalism as hate for Christians …

  • Let’s be wholly clear about this – Christian Nationalists seek to impose their beliefs upon you by force. Saying “F**k off” to that is not hate for Christians, it is saying “No” to religious fascism.

Here is a Christian Nationalist pastor who wants to execute women …

Here is Wolf also promoting Christian Nationalism …

  • … er … except, the vast majority of people are not religious fanatics and raving bigots like he and his buddies are, so clearly this will never be desired by “everybody”.

Christian Homeschooling

In an interview pushing Christian homeschooling, Sam Sorbo (wife of former actor Kevin Sorbo) says God “could have given the school the children, but they would have committed abortion.” (?!) She then claims child predators are “lurking in every single school out there.

  • I do have to admit that it is indeed a revelation to discover that Kevin Sorbo’s wife is as nutty and weird as he is.
  • When it comes to insights into child predators, then @thesamsorbo should consider following @antifaoperative, who posts arrests & convictions of youth pastors, pastors, and church volunteers who sexually assault children or pander in kiddie porn. It would open her eyes to see where child predators really hang out.

The False Profit$

Trump Interactions …

  • Then he texted back, “Sorry, meant to text Laura Loomer about bringing protection.
  • She also claimed that right now he is president … so how exactly can he be president for a third term if that is really true?

Flu Vaccine Exemptions …

  • So here is a truly wild idea, if you don’t want the flu vaccination, then don’t get the flu vaccination. It’s not mandatory, so I have no idea who they would show this flu vaccine religious exemption to.
  • You can of course see what is really going on here. For a “donation” you can get the religious flu vaccine exemption from this grifter.
  • Shane might not believe in natural selection, but he is still very clearly advocating for it.

Weirdest of the Weird

There is no denying that some of the deeply religious are perpetually standing by and ready to be offended by anything and everything …

  • Hemant’s writeup of this can be found .. here.
  • I’m honestly not understanding their complaint, is it a deep worry that a Dorito was transsubstantiated?
  • As a quick reminder, whenever people act like conservative evangelicals invented being offended by everything, I feel like that should offend Conservative Catholics who have been offended by everything for many centuries.

You might indeed be wondering WTF is this !!!

  • Sean Moon is the Pastor of a deeply weird Sanctuary Church. That’s a schismatic and militant sect of the Unification Church, which was founded by Hyung Jin Moon’s father Reverend Sun Myung Moon and now led by his mother Hak Ja Han.
  • He is also a very very strong supporter of Trump and has endorsed the Big Lie.
  • If you think it is weird and whacky, well no, it is actually even weirder and whackier than you can possibly imagine (and I know you have a really good imagination). For a deep dive, check out rolling stone article on them – “The AR-15 is a divine instrument for enforcing God’s will — and that will, says Rod of Iron Ministries’ leader, favors Trump“. This guy is painting the violent overthrow of government as ordained by God.
  • Religious charlatans come in all races and ethnic groups. They are all bound by the common denominator of craving power and wealth by exploitating the ignorant or the dispossessed.

Ted thinks he has a gotcha moment with this …

  • In that exact same SNL sketch they also did Trump, Walz, Vance, and Biden … yet Ted thinks this means she is not doing well because of this.
  • SNL has made fun of every candidate and president since it started. The only ones who actually get upset are the weird ones without a sense of humor.

Speaking of Humor, somebody created this sign …

Glenn Beck had a meltdown in 2016 when Sen. Ted Cruz (see above) caved and endorsed Trump. Now, Beck himself has caved and endorsed Trump.

  • It was never about principles with Glenn, but instead was him adopting the facade needed to continue his grift.

QAnon conspiracy theorist Dave Hayes asserts that if you haven’t spent thousands of hours studying Q’s “drops,” then you are not qualified to criticize the movement.

  • Er … no, that’s not how it works. You don’t need a PhD to detect Bullshit, one whiff of the foul aroma does the trick.

Mark Robinson is still popping up

So this was him not answering questions this past week …

  • Nice to see that he still continues to be a total asshole, I honestly can’t wait until he loses the election and we then don’t have to hear from him again.

Irony of the Week

The Nebraska Examiner reports …

  • Meanwhile, the MAGA people most opposed to the decision, are themselves planning to vote for a convicted felon. (smh)

Grifter of the Week

Speaking of grifting, here is this week’s winner.

Right-Wing “Christian” Russell Brand is now selling “magic amulets” …

If you are curious to know how much that woo amulet costs, and also just how f**king stupid it really is, then here is a guy who did a deep dive into this cesspit. Just follow his thread to see what he found …

The conclusion he reaches is this … “They are gutter-slime, willing to take advantage of frightened, foolish people to make a quick buck, and should never be taken seriously by anybody, ever. A tremendously embarrassing group of people” … and yes, he really is right about that.

Where was Obama Born?

  • … and there you have it.

Greg Locke Voted

He advises …

  • So there you go then, he is telling us he did not vote for Trump. If even he can’t, then you also need not.

Cartoons from the past week

As always, there are many excellent cartoons. Here are a few samples.

Dave Whamond

Nick Anderson …

Clay Bennett …

Mike Luckovich …


Dennis Goris …

For Some Actions really do have Consequences

Some step up to the mark anyway

I love this energy …

  • The seat is so red it has no democrats running in 2022
  • Washington Post has also covers this one … “Barr centers her pitch on the principle of giving voters an option, even in deep-red districts where the outcome is all but predetermined.” … “In a gerrymandered state like North Carolina, it means representatives are choosing their voters instead of voters choosing their representatives.”


Posted, not only because it is an important point, but also because the number of comments is now 666 …

Thread of the week

Mehdi is right, if time permits, Waleed’s thread really is worth checking out …


Yes, they really are this stupid and delusional …

They are eating pets” …

Conflicting signs …

For more clips, here they are at the Reading, PA Trump Rally …

One Last Thought

Going “Third party” might for some be easier, but April learned that lesson back in 2016 and has good guidance for you …

OK, another last thought

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