NI inquiry needs legal teeth to investigate child abuse

Amnesty International has issued a warning that a Northern Ireland government-led investigation into clerical child abuse may fail. Why? The problem is that within its annual global report on human rights, Amnesty has highlighted problems with the terms of the inquiry’s reference. “In September, the Northern Ireland executive announced proposals for the establishment of an … Read more

Alternative medicines can’t escape the long arm of the law

Edzard Ernst is an impressive chap, not only is he a prize-winning physician, but he is also the founder of two medical journals. And if that is not enough, he was also the first chair in complementary medicine at the University of Exeter and is also the co-author of “Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on … Read more

Coffee – lowers your risk of death

Now here is some great news (for me), older adults who drank coffee — caffeinated or decaffeinated — had a lower risk of death overall than others who did not drink coffee. This all comes from a study by researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and that it turn is part of the National Institutes of … Read more

“Map of Life” Shows the Location of All Organisms, Large and Small

Wow this is cool … (translation: “Oh here is something I like”) OK, so what exactly do we have here? Well, a team of researchers has embarked on a potentially groundbreaking project known as the Map of Life — an online database designed to catalog and locate every known plant and animal species on Earth, and is led … Read more