The Life Scientific – Richard Dawkins

Jim Al-Khalili interviewed evolutionary biologist and author Prof Richard Dawkins on BBC Radio 4 (broadcast on Mon 3rd Sept) It ran for 28 mins and is worth listening to. Richard Dawkins’ first book on evolutionary biology “The Selfish Gene” was published to much acclaim and some controversy in 1976. In this interview with Jim Al-Khalili, Professor … Read more

Blasphemy laws are not being abused, blasphemy laws are an abuse

Having thought I was done, I’m now once again back on the topic of Blasphemy in Pakistan. There is an article in Today’s “The News”, A Pakistani on-line paper, that rather bizarrely claims … Rimsha case speaks volume of the failure and inefficiency of the Islamabad police but its latest turns and twists have made … Read more

The utter insanity of Blasphemy

Since blogging yesterday about the on-going case in Pakistan of a child (Rimsha) being accused of Blasphemy (she did not, a complete wanker of a cleric planted the evidence), I’ve since noticed a small almost throw-away line. Towards the end of the following article in the Guardian about it all I found this … Human rights … Read more

Muslim cleric arrested for framing Rimsha Masih – the child arrested for Blasphemy in Pakistan

The spotlight of the world has been focused upon Pakistan and is showing everybody what really happens when you permit extreme religious nutters to dictate. Pictured here you can see Rimsha going to court in Islamabad. So what has been going on? A judge deferred the hearing of Rimsha Masih last Friday until Monday over charges … Read more

Fallacy Zoo: The March of the Straw men

The deployment of straw men is often used to craft the illusion of a strong argument. The metaphor is one in which your opponent will surreptitiously substitute your actual argument for a weak passive dummy and then rapidly demolish it. It conjurers up images of assault troops marching out to do battle against a field … Read more

Magic and spells banned by eBay

Starting tomorrow (1st Sept) you will no longer be permitted to buy or sell magic spells on eBay. Really!! you could actually do that? … apparently yes, it was a thriving business. Within their September 2012 update they explain … The following items are also being added to the prohibited items list: advice; spells; curses; … Read more