BBC has exposed a fraudulent autism cure

snake-oil-salesman-bigOK, let’s cut to the chase, drinking bleach does not cure autism, because that is essentially what MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is, and so when you drink this stuff the vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, that it induces is not the product working, but is instead your bodies way to giving you a rather unsubtle “you have got to be fracking kidding me” hint.

Let’s be 100% clear …

  • Credible scientific evidence that MMS is beneficial = exactly zero
  • Credible scientific evidence that MMS will cause considerable harm or even death … rather a lot – (the official FDA warning is here)

You can read all about MMS on its very own Wikipedia page – click here.

So the BBC expose involves a Mr Edwards who is associated with the Genesis II Church, a supposedly non-religious group that claims to focus on health and healing, and is run by Jim Humble, the guy who dreamed up this absurd MMS scam.

Here is the BBC clip, and rather absurdly there you can watch Mr Edwards claim that drinking MMS will “purge” Cancer, HIV, Alzheimers, Arthritis and of course Autism. Yes, he is being very careful with his words because if he used the word “cure” he would be breaking the law, but by simply claiming “purge” he feels that legally he can get away with it. He is wrong about that, and as pointed out by the BBC …

Prof Richard Goldberg, expert in pharmaceutical law at Durham Law School, warned selling sodium chlorite for consumption breached the Food Supplements England Regulations.

“This is a potential criminal offence,” he said. “The Food Standards Agency has to inform the relevant local authority and the authority has to take action.

“There is a very strong argument that he is selling an unauthorised food supplement. There is a potential argument for him selling an unauthorised medicine.”

Why a Church?

If you set yourself up as a clinic and promoted a health cure, then you have to prove it scientifically, and if you can’t, then you get into rather a lot of legal trouble. Ah, but by being a church that has MMS as a sacrament, then you are playing the get-out-of-jail-free card that religion enables because making absurd religious claims that have no evidence is culturally acceptable.

I’m really not making that sacrament metaphor up, because that is exactly what they claim …

An organiser of the Genesis II Church conference described MMS as a “sacrament” that was “no different than the bread and wine given during a church service”.

One thing is rather clear, MMS is promoted as a treatment, so dressing it up with a religious garment sends a rather clear message that tells us two things …

  1. They can’t meet the scientific standard, have no credible evidence for the claims they promote, and believe they would never be able to produce any ever, hence they side step the entire issue by pretending to be a religious group
  2. They know it is a scam designed to deliberately defraud desperate people, because this is very clearly a conscious decision to duck scientific scrutiny.

Bottom line: These folks are the classical snake-oil salesmen out to run a con for a quick buck.

… and many Kudos to the BBC for exposing this.

1 thought on “BBC has exposed a fraudulent autism cure”

  1. Help please Took mms in 2 enemas in June and drank a few glasses. As per Jim humble web. Am ill , lost 2 stone doctors not taking me seriously. Totally Weak and anxious.


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