Freedom of Speech banned at Warwick university in the UK

You would expect a university to be a melting pot of ideas and a place where not only do you learn, but you also have all of your preconceived notions challenged. Apparently this is not the case over at Warwick university because stories are circulating in the UKs national media that a secular activist who … Read more

Morality with and without a god.

The most common arguments that are often presented to make the claim that you can’t be truly good without a religious belief are as follows: Divine Command: Belief has absolute, god given rules. If you reject god, then you are simply making up your own ethical standard and so your morality would be relative and … Read more

The scope of atheism does not include cosmology

A rather common claim that often pops up is the assertion that atheists believe that something came from nothing. Here is a specific example within the Christian Post … It seems atheists would much rather believe that something came from nothing, than to believe that Someone has always existed. Of course both beliefs are a matter … Read more

Transhumanism blends with Christian beliefs

Christianity is something I need not explain because we are all familiar with the buzzwords, Jesus, Eternal life, etc… ah but what about the word, “Transhumanism”, what does that mean to you? Well that is defined as … an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance … Read more

The Meaning of Life … according to Answers in Genesis

Ken Ham’s latest posting (12th Sept) is one in which he plays the, “Without God you have no meaning” card, and apparently his heart breaks because there are people out there who do not align their thinking with his. He also plays this card as well … The Bible makes it clear that everyone knows … Read more

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