Censorship of @MaryamNamazie at the @Guardian

Maryam Namazie, like many of us, was quite frankly appalled with David Shariatmadari’s apologetics for Islamism that was recently published on 2nd Oct in the UKs Guardian, so she contacted them and demanded a right of reply. She was very much the target of his article, was named within it, and so it was wholly appropriate that … Read more

Some Statistics have inspired Ken Ham to be rather surprised, shocked and saddened

If Mr Ham has some statistics that have left him feeling sad, then it is quite distinctly possible that we have a set of statistics that point towards the world becoming an even better place. OK, so what is this all about? Well the story here is that Young Earth Creationist, Ken Ham, blogs his … Read more

How can you tactfully handle a heavy dose of religion

It is perhaps statistically inevitable that you will at some point encounter a deeply religious person who would like you to convert. It is of course like this because the beliefs that we have today thrive because they have been naturally selected for their ability to both tap into human emotions and to also successfully propagate … Read more

“Evidence” from a devout Catholic

OK, so Dave Armstrong, a Catholic Apologist, posts in response to an email from a reader of his blog asking for evidence. He takes the following stance … Why do you assume that empirical evidence is the only kind of indication that God exists? If indeed God [the Father] is a spirit (as we Christians believe), how in the world is … Read more

Dialogues with “Moderate” Muslims

There was a recent discussion on CNN recently between Sam Harris and Islamic “moderate”, Dean Obeidallah. Here is that actual clip, it runs for about 10 minutes. The context is the prevailing issues regarding the very negative attitudes of many towards Islam, and of course this dialogue was triggered by Ben Carson’s declaration that a Muslim could … Read more

Sometime satire really is the best reply

Being religious is about investing in an idea emotionally, and sometimes (I really do mean sometimes for a minority) that happens to such a degree that the person doing so is completely oblivious to what has happened to their ability to think clearly about specific things. While within this post I am thinking specifically about creationism it can … Read more

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