Top 5 Weirdest Christian Claims … this week.

What follows is totally personal and also very subjective. It is also not a list of the Top 5 all-time weirdest claims, nor even the top 5 weirdest this year, or this past month. Instead it is the top 5 weirdest claims that I’ve come across in the past few days. So yes, there are … Read more

Pastor running Ponzi Scheme found guilty – he is going to jail

On Nov 17, a North Carolina court found Pastor Michael Baldwin guilty of running a fraudulent investment scam. What is the story here? Let’s find out. What exactly was he up to? He had established an “Investment Opportunity” called Miracle Mansion that started as long ago as 2009. The concept was this – it was … Read more

Tales of an American Rain-making God


Rain is something we do understand. If indeed you are not too sure then within about ten seconds or less you can literally google to find out about the natural processes that cause it. Once long ago our ancestors might indeed have attributed it to the gods. It is perhaps in some respects understandable how … Read more