Debunking Claim that End-Times Beast has been spotted
Pastor Greg Locke claims that a status located outside the UN in New York is the End-times beast. He wants to go stand on top and preach.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Pastor Greg Locke claims that a status located outside the UN in New York is the End-times beast. He wants to go stand on top and preach.
In his latest rant, Pastor Greg Locke declares that hospitals are death camps where people are being murdered by staff in exchange for money.
Lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania claims that school mask mandate is a “Satanic Ritual” and that school has no legal authority to impose it.
Fundamentalist Nurse accuses school board of being demonic because they supported a mask mandate to keep students safe.
Shane Vaughn claims that Believing in Climate Change is a sin and that what is happening is because God is angry with us all.
QAnon is reaching a crises point. When Trump’s election defect is accepted, will the QAnon cult collapse or will something else happen?