The hijab and liberation

Nadiya Takolia writes in today’s UK Guardian an article entitled, “The hijab has liberated me from society’s expectations of women“. I’d like to address some of her claims, but first I better make a couple of things clear. The term “hijab” refers to a head covering worn by Muslim women, in other words its just a fancy scarf, we … Read more

Conversion: Mike Tyson

Believers often hold up famous folks who have embraced their specific belief as a form of celebrity endorsement, and one such recent example I have come across are Muslims being rather proud that Mike Tyson is one of them. OK, so lets look at the facts. Tyson was famously convicted of the rape of 18-year-old Desiree … Read more

More Saudi Insanity: Woman changed with Witchcraft faces beheading

When you are in the game of believing utterly crazy things, and then start to impose this delusion on others, you will find truly outrageous things happening. The news, as reported in the Guardian today, is … Saudi Arabian authorities may order execution of woman after man reported her for casting a spell on his … Read more

Coping with “Crazy”

I’ve been having an on-line debate with an Islamic Creationist today, and as you might expect, it’s the usual bat-shit crazy stuff. After pointing out that 99.98% of scientists accept evolution as a well-established fact, you find such a reality does not in any way initiate any pause for thought, but instead results in statements … Read more

Head-to-Head with Islamic “God did it” claims

Right now I am having a semi-friendly “discussion” in a Facebook group with a bunch of rather committed Islamic folks. It’s their thing, they have this concept called Da‘wah. That literally means “issuing a summons” or “making an invitation”. If this is not something you are aware of, well think of it as being similar … Read more

More examples of Human Rights Abuses in Iran at the hands of Islamic thugs …

Kamran Hashemi, who writes for the website United4Iran in London, has an article in today’s UK Guardian. It concerns the appalling and truly outrageous human rights abuses being inflicted upon members of the Baha’i faith. First, as an aside, you might be wondering who or what the Baha’i faith is (don’t panic, I’m not into it). Like most belief systems, they … Read more