Parents of Shafilea Ahmed jailed for her Honour Killing

In 2003 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed (pictured here) went missing from her home in Warrington, then six months later her body was found in the River Kent in Cumbria. Today her parents, Iftikhar, 52, and Farzana Ahmed, 49, have been declared guilty by the jury at Chester Crown Court. Mr Justice Roderick Evans said they would both serve a minimum of … Read more

Somali comedian who mocked Islamists is shot dead

  Abdi Jeylani Marshale (pictured here) was a very popular comedian in Solamia who has been tragically murdered by some religious thugs. He was well-known for his parodies of Islamist militants, so you require no psychic powers whatsoever to guess who did this or what their motivation was. Officially nobody knows who did this, but … Read more

“Massacre of Muslims in Burma” – Debunked

There are a lot of reports circulating in Facebook groups and also many Islamic blogs regarding a claim that thousands of Muslims have been slaughtered in Burma and that the world remains silent about it all. Pictures such as that shown here are common. This comes with some text that usually reads … “50 thousand … Read more

Sharia in action in the UK – It tells you all you really need to know

Charlotte Rachael Proudman, a barrister with a commitment to human rights, social justice and equality, writes last April a very very interesting artice in the UK’s Independent that is well worth reading by all those who wish to gain an insight into what Sharia is really all about. In the past when I have openly criticised … Read more

Indonesian Insanity – Non-believer jailed for 2.5 years after writing “God doesn’t exist” on his Facebook page

The Jakarta times reports … An Indonesian man arrested after writing “God doesn’t exist” on his Facebook page was jailed for 30 months Thursday for sharing explicit material about the Prophet Mohammed online. Alexander Aan, 30, was found guilty of “deliberately spreading information inciting religious hatred and animosity,” presiding judge Eka Prasetya Budi Dharma told … Read more

Four Women murdered in Pakistan … because they were singing and dancing.

A week ago there were stories circulating about four women and two men in Pakistan who had been sentenced to death for singing and dancing at a wedding. I need not explain why, by now you will be familiar with the thinking .. it was of course yet another example of Islamic clerics demonstrating just … Read more